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Ever since went to school this trimester I'd convinced myself that I was gonna change, in a good way of course.

First of all I had mind that I was gonna focus on my education so that I could meet Layla in high school next 2 years but all that was kinda ruined cause I thought I was finally over Adam since we didnt talk in two weeks before we came back to school.

I was in class blabbing to Amelia and Annie about how I was Finally over Adam just then he walked into the classroom looking like he had a massive glow up or something cause to me he looked even more attractive than ever and had grown taller. While I kept looking at him Amelia and Annie made a bet.

"I bet you ten back if she falls back for him. in just a week " said Annie.

Suddenly & after Adam took his seat at the other side of the classroom far away from me, I started to blush then burst out laughing for no reason. "It didn't even last an hour and she still likes him" Amelia said. "Noo no no, this cant be possible. I was over him, there's no im going back to crushing on that dude" I said. "WAS" replied both Annie & Amelia.

Later the entire class was asked to move all the books from our old class to the new one and while we were all doing it Emily and Selena kept giving him books to carry cause it was too "heavy" for them. After I was done and I was resting beside my table, I saw Adam walking towards me but I acted like I didnt see him, then he suddenly Started comparing his height to mine so I turned to him and said hi. Then he also said hi and said "I'm almost taller than u Leah" and when I checked, we were the same height.

So while he was helping my me get the books off table I heard Amelia saying " Lets give them some space" to Annie. So I took the opportunity to talk to Adam. "Erm Adam, Judy says hi and that she misses you" I said. "Oh Okay" he replied.

Then we continued taking but I don't cleady remember what we were talking. Then I later turned to Amelia telling her about the time Adam and I were playing Roblox Brookhaven and I hold him that I was hungry then he drove me to Starbrooks and bought coffees for himself and I, sat opposite each other and started chatting.When I was done telling her she told Annie and some  others that it was a DATE.

Which wasnt, we just talked bout Judy and other stuff until my game started to lag and we both went offline

The next day at school I was in the auditorium when I didn't realize that he was sitting in the row infront of mine.

Later during my next class, the teacher used me as an example to explain  something really embarrassing but as the entire class laughed I didn't care cause I had my own problems to think about.

When I got home really depressed, i made up my mind to ignore Adam so I texted Julia and told her about it and she said "Leah If you ignore him, I'm gonna ignore you too". But I didn't care. The reason why I wanted to ignore him was because I think he was a distraction and he doesn't care about me at all and alot of ppl said that I couldnt get a chance with him even if I wanted to.

I went to school the next day and I was talking to Josie about it and the agreed with me but for some reason I kept looking at Adam who was sitting beside her.

But just a bit far then she said "Leah you need to focus on you your education and stop thinking about Adam or else I'll hit your head with a frying pan"

Anytime I talked about him she'd use a ruler of her glasses case to hit me or even give me a slap. And I even started to wonder if she likes him too cause of that plus her and Adam's pretend wedding in the sixth grade which she run away from.

Later that day as the plan was going going on smoothly, Emily decided to ruin that for me. I was at my table when she saw that I was doing completely nothing so she called Adam to come and speak to me. I looked at Josie who gave me a signal for us to run outta there then the two of us fled out of the classroom and by the time we were back Emily had totally forgotten about me while Adam was nowhere to be found.

After lunch when everyone was doing
completely nothing my Selene came over to class cause she was bored and wanted to hear my trauma cause it was interesting. As I was telling her she cut me off by said "You know what Leah, you know its impossible to ignone the guy, also I havent talked to Emma in a while"

Ever since Emma came back to school two days after the reopening date, Adam's been all over her and the both of them had been really close lately, like really close.
So Selene and I walked over to Emma's table who looked really bored.

While Selene and Emma were talking I went to Lena, then Clara came and was returning her book. Adam suddenly snatched the book from her and started flipping throng through it then said "Why is your book so empty why doesnt it have Secrets like Leah's book." Then he started looking at me.

Basically Josh Stole my diary, he and Nick followed while they all read it in the boys washroom and after they all came out Adam convinced me that he
didn't read it when I asked him if he did.

Now he'd just exposed himself without knowing it. He still kept looking at me while I rolled my eyes looking at him annoyed.

I left and after that I'd be just roaming the hallways and he'd randomly came up to me and talk to me so I just let it go and also started talking to him since that day cause I didn't want it to be like I was mad at him or something.

I just wasn't mad, I was just really jealous when I saw Selena 'flirting' with him and I got mad him from decided to unfriend him from roblox, and it was the biggest mistake I'd ever made.

The next day, I don't really remember what happened except from the part that Emily kept forcing me to talk to Adam and during entertainment she and her friends were sitting infront of him.
And I saw them holding hands-ish. Then Annie called me and according to her I rolled my eyes at her so she got mad at me so showing her attitude!

Some time later we were asked to back to our class. Amelia and I started to play with the bee plushie I crocheted for I her then our other classmates and even Adam from joined in and he said that the plushie was cute. "Leah, know you're really talented and doing you stuff like this can-"

Then I cut him short cause I remembered what Judy told me to tell him days before.

We started talking and made up the biggest lie saying that my toblox account was hacked and I lost all my friends so the app "automatically" removed him as a friend so he needed to friend me back.

I felt really guilty cause I lied to him. The entire weekend, I checked to see if he added me back but he didn't. I was so gonna... nevermind.

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