[Reaction] Battle of the Gorge of Death.

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Bickering could be heard in the big cinema.

After they've reacted to one chapter, they've figured that everything seemed more realistic now.

If they wanted to avoid the destruction of the world, then they would continue to do this and gather more information from this so called chapters.

At that moment Deruth raised his hand with a scrunched up look on his face.

Deruth has been looking all over for his son, but to his disappointment he was nowhere to be seen.

"...God-nim, I'd like to know where my son is."

Although nervous, the brown haired man somehow asked the entity in front of him to tell him exactly where his eldest son is.

"I can assure you he is somewhere safe. And right now I think he needs it."

Deruth was both wary and nervous about the entities answer.

He wanted to see his son immediately but soon decided not to be hasty since this God could endanger his son.

"Well now that's settled. Shall we continue to where we left off?"

The GoD could be seen clapping his hands and the screen lit up.

The important figures including a certain blonde prince sit up straight ready to take notes.

The Dragon half-blood raised his head. He could see the confident gaze looking at him. He could see Choi Han, whose expression did not change at all even as the light burned his hand.

Choi Han's violent darkness followed the injury Raon left behind in order to cut through the Dragon half-blood's insides.


Before they could even take a hold of their pen to list the incoming information. A sudden bomb was dropped to them.

A dragon half-blood?

All the dragons in the room clench their fists and anger could be seen in their faces.

They know exactly how someone could possibly be a dragon half-blood.

The temperature in the room had a major drop, and the dragons didn't try to supress it either.

In order for one to become a dragon half-blood, the only way for that would be...

A dragons heart. Not just one but multiple.

It was impossible to kill a dragon which leaves them wondering how?

'Dragon slayer.'

That word was engraved in each of the dragon's mind in the room right now.

And a certain white haired woman was the most angered at this.

'White Star!'

She clenched her fists so hard it turned white and a nail mark could be seen.

That bastard was the one who took all the eggs in her castle and destroyed the place.

A cold and white aura was starting to develop her. This wasn't important right now.

She intends to see how this ends.


This golden haired dragon had his lips in a tight line.

He knew he had a lot of connections with other dragons.

Despite wearing a somehow annoyed look in his face. He can't deny when he says he's not worried about his friend.

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