What happened?

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I woke up staring at a soft blue wall "you up" a rough but smoothing voice spoke causing me to immediately raise up grabbing the covers in defense, it took a while for my eyes to adjust but once it did I replied "Vance" I said in a dry hoarse voice so quiet it can't even count as a whisper "you passes out after your panic attack" Vance said looking at the tv that was paying a cartoon of some sort "um?" I said a bit confused "I bought you to my house since we didn't know where you live" Vance said still looking at the tv"oh, okay...sorry for the trouble" I said "don't apologize finney Blake. If you need me ALWAYS! Call me" Vance said in his Normal harsh voice but finney can tell it was carried with care. I smiled snuggling into Vance sheets drifting off...

Vance watched over the boy as he slept, once he knew the boy was fully asleep he pulled out is phone and texted the gc

PinBALLS online

Pinballs kicked Princessfinney



Ceiling fan:🤦‍♀️


BatmanandROBIN online

PinBALLS:WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!? You leave you're unconscious boyfriend in the arms of someone else passed out and you fucking runaway!?

BatmanandROBIN:....I couldn't handle seeing him like that so my body moved on my own


Paperboy: you fucking left him? LEFT HIM? LEFT HIM!

Ceiling fan:...billy?



Ceiling fan: let's all calm down

Baseballismint: yeah, please Vance

PinBALLS: no,I'm pissed!

Paperboy: same,I'm fucking upset to the point I'm going to throw the fuck up. Finney is like a brother to me, I never want anyone to hurt him or see him get hurt. You fucking left him in his fucking time of need, I can't trust you around him!

Paperboy offline



Ceiling fan:.. I'll go check on him

BatmanandROBIN: I'm so sorry...

PinBALLS: don't fucking apologize to us! Apologize to him! *sends address*

BatmanandROBIN: I'm on my way

With that Robin turned his phone off and wiped to hot tuning tears from his eyes down to his chin, robin was gasping at the thought. Finney was his boyfriend who he loved dearly, who he wanted to be Mr.Arellano one day. He was a coward who left his boyfriend in the arms of another boy. Robin was so ashamed, this was his first time feeling like this.  Before going to Vance house , robin stopped at a supermarket and bought finney most of his favorite things to eat and drink. Once he done he walked to Vance house.


I knocked on the door feeling the air get sucked out of my lungs as my stomach started turning, I can feel my breaths and my heart beat as I wait for Vance to open the door. Once I heard footsteps coming down I stopped breathing, the door swung open as the 2 inches taller than me blond head boy glared at me in anger. Lucky he didn't yell just roughly told me that my finn was upstairs to my right, I almost ran upstairs. Once I got to his room door I open it to see the most beautiful boy with messy hair hugged up with Vance covers, I gently sat the bag of snacks done and sat on the side of Vance bed where finney was sleeping at. I gently pushed the hair out of his face so I can see him clearly "oh! There goes my beautiful boy" I said smiling ear to ear,
"Robin...?" I heard in a tired voice "yes baby?" I replied " what's wrong" finney asked Robin slowly waking up

'I'm sorry' Robin said as he played with finney hair "for what" finney said moving to lay his head on his lap 'I left you when you passed out...I ranaway, I'm a coward' Robin said letting once again the hot tears he tried so desperately to hold back run down his face. ' oh baby' finney said wiping his tears, slowly kissing them away 'finn!' Robin said blushing. After Robin heard to my angelic laugh ever, hit caught Robin heart as he couldn't help but stare about his semi-long hair beautiful boy with the sun going down bright orange color reflecting from the window onto his beautiful face. Robin couldn't help himself as finney crystal blue eyes stared into his light chocolate ones 'what' finney said concerned but robin didn't answer instead planted a light but meaningful kiss which finney gave back.

After a while the innocent light kiss turning into something deep.  As robin was now harshly kissing the boy, finney was roaming his hands all around robin. Robin pulled away and started leaving butterfly kisses down his neck, finney hand latched onto robin hair as he soft moaned. They went back to kisses as finney repeatedly tugged on robins hair causing him to moan into to kiss 'robin' finney said in a daze causing robin to get turned on but before anything could go further Bruce opened the door 'how lon-' Bruce stopped in his tracks when he and everyone else behind him saw robin with messy hair and red lips holding on to finney with similar messy hair, red lips teary eyes and red chest with hickeys having his legs around robin waist by the hips . They dead stop in they're tracks as Bruce snapped out of his trance slamming the door shut while holding onto the doorknob....

Vance broke silence with his realization 'those bitches are fucking in my room!' He said opening the door to fight a now better and fixed up robin and finney different from what they saw earlier. Finney refused to look at the doorway knowing the four boys are looking at them. He's embarrassed but Robin didn't even look at the anyone but billy who was more pissed at him than Vance, 'billy..' Robin said softly causing the tension to become thick 'robin' billy said in anger which made finney snap his nhead towards billy in confusion. Vance,Bruce, and griffin can feel the tension between billy and Robin but no one was going to speak on it, 'what's going on' finney asked at billy looked over and sadly smiled at him 'nothing' billy said walking out which griffin followed behind.


After that day billy would only hang out with the group if Robin wasn't there, billy was angry at Robin as Robin was apologized. This confused finney as he still has no ideal what happened between his best friend and boyfriend but the other three boys wouldn't tell him despise the tension being heavy.


I understand billy like I would be so pissed off if someone did that to my friend. My friend may have let you off but not me! We Stan billy for being a good friend 🫶🏾

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