I knew it

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It was a little while ago since you got into UA. To your surprise your class was 1A. You know, the class where a green-haired boy risked his fingers in the sports festival that was on live TV and the same sports festival where Endeavor's son froze the whole place! Yet you never felt scared though only excitement. Excited to learn how to protect people, be a proper hero, and excited to test your limits. However, what you didn't expect was to find someone who tested your patience and temper. Katsuki Bakugo.
He always got on your nerves. Every time he dared to call you an "extra" or told you to "get out of his way", oh how your blood boiled. Katsuki Bakugo, the boy who won that sports festival but wasn't satisfied. Katsuki Bakugo is who you want to throw a chair at every time a single snicker escapes from his mouth when your answer is wrong. Katsuki Bakugo is a boy who can't even get your name right he can't get anyone's name right! He just gives everyone a dumb nickname which is more like an insult. Katsuki Bakugo, the boy who...you have feelings for.
You didn't know how it happened, it just happened and you fell in love. You're either crazy or...no that's it, you're crazy. His burst of anger and energy just lights a flame in your heart. Of course, you never plan on telling him about this. He'll laugh. He'll reject you. And you rather not go through that emotional damage.
The sound of your alarm rang. You turned over in your bed to stop the annoying sound. As your eyes slowly opened they glanced at the alarm clock and realized the time.

"Hmm?... HOLY SHI- I'M LATE!!"

You jumped out of your bed. Quickly put on your uniform and do your usual hairstyle. At this point, Tenya Iida should be considered the second fastest student in class 1A cause you ran out of your bedroom and your front door like a bullet. Exaggerating, of course, no one is as fast as Iida. You had completely forgotten to eat breakfast but nothing was on your mind at the moment only school.
Thanks to your ability to act fast you made it to school with a couple of minutes to spare as well. When you took your step into the classroom you were greeted by no other than Iida giving you a lecture on "proper uniform wear" Well he wasn't in the wrong to lecture you about it. Your tie was extremely loose, the top two buttons on your white button-up shirt were open, the blazer was open, and your skirt was dirty due to a couple of times you fell on your way. When Iida finally let you go, you headed straight to the group of girls in the corner. You brushed off the dirt off your skirt, fixed yourself a little bit, and took a second to see who was in the girl group. Mina, Momo, Jiro, and Tsu. They were all in a little huddle standing right next to the first window that faced outside. Yup, right next to Bakugos desk. Though it seemed like it didn't bother him, he just continued listening to his music through his earbuds. As you walked up to them, they were having a very normal girly conversation. Crushes. Some had crushes who were in the same class, another who was in another class, and one who simply didn't have one. You only had 15 seconds to escape from this uncomfortable conversation before they noticed you. A voice right beside you spoke which completely caught you off guard.

"OMG! Hey Y/N!"

You instantly realized that your probability of getting out of this alive became incredibly low.

"Oh hey, Hagakure. I didn't see you there," you responded as you tried to hide your desperate need to get out of there.

How could you have possibly forgotten about Hagakure?! She is the biggest love-obsessed girl in the whole school!

"We were just talking about our crushes and now that you're here. It only seems right for you to part take in this conversation. Who do you have a crush on?" She said as took a step closer to you.

You could feel like time froze. You felt all eyes on you. You could just lie and say you like a completely different classmate but that would be a much more difficult situation to get out of. You looked around the room. And you're eyes met his. He was already looking at you. You thought about the chances of him listening to the girly conversation. No, why would he? He's not interested in that kind of stuff. You quickly looked away and responded.

I knew it Where stories live. Discover now