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A/N: I have no idea what this chapter will be about, I'm just going to start rambing..

Don't you think Harry and Hermione should be together

? They are perfect for eachother! Hermione has been there for Harry through everything, not Ginny. Even Ron abandoned Harry on more than one occasion....

Hermione even stayed in the tent with him and made her own parents forget her just FOR HARRY!! I never saw Ginny do that.....

As I said before, Ginny was just another fangirl who wanted her piece of the famous Harry Potter..

There was no chemistry between Harry and Ginny. THEY HAD BARELY TALKED FOR FIVE YEARS AND SUDDENLY HARRY HAS ANIMAL IN CHEST!!!! That he likes her? I didn't know you could like someone without talking to them.... even with Cho, Harry didn't really talk to her, she was just suddenly in the story....

But the whole series basically implied a Harry and Hermione relationship. They had so much chemistry and such potential. They could have been an amazing couple. Hermione needs someone like Harry who will help loosen her up some, and get her to try the things she is afraid of. He always knew how to cheer her up. Harry always knew when Hermione was upset and he would always go to comfort her, not Ron. Okay he did like, once? But Harry was already going to help Hermione anyway!

Harry needs someone like Hermione, because she always made him realize that not everything is his fault. She always knew what to say to make him feel better, and how to cope in situations......

They had like, one argument ever? I feel like J.K kinda shoved Hermione and Ron together in the last book, there was no build up.. There was definitely no build up between Harry and Ginny... Harry just suddenly likes this girl who has barely ever said a word to him in her entire life, except for when she was begging to go see him in his first year...

A/N: So Sorry for all the grammar mistakes. I'm just super busy but I wanted to rant more. Normally, my writing is a lot better then this, but as I said I'm super busy! Feel free to rant along with me !!!!!

What I hate about Hinny (Harry/Ginny) And What I like about other HP ships.Where stories live. Discover now