- twenty three -

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aubrey's pov:

lando looks at me to make sure i wanted to talk to pierre. i nodded and say that i'll be inside in a second.

"what do you want!?" my eyes piercing at his i wanted to show him that i was still angry and was not in the mood from his games right now.

"why did you come him lando to night?" he ask and i could she a little of jealousy in his eyes and in his tone.

"not that it's any of your business but he went to see me if i was okay after you left and convince me to come, plus it's my last night with the girls" i said trying to keep my calm "is that all? okay bye" i pass him to leave but he grabs my arm.

"no wait... since when are you so close to him? you barely know each other" he said looking down you could hear the desperation in his voice.

"since you started keeping more secrets... i've spent more time with you but it seems that i don't know you at all, with him at least i don't get treated like an idiot" i spat his really pushing me and i'm afraid i might explode.

"since you fucking like him so much then why don't you go have the baby with him then!?!" people started looking our way now.

"what the fuck is your problem?! don't start screaming i really don't need a fucking article tomorrow saying that i'm pregnant" i say pregnant in a whisper "you get to go around speaking and sleeping with other people and i can't be friends with i guy that all ready IS your friend and know he would never betray you?!!" the fucking audacity his guy.

"you think he want to be your friend aubrey?!? NO guy wants to be just friends with you, don't you see it?" he said getting loud again.

"okay... apparently it's only you then" i said looking away "i'm gonna go back inside before we say anything we can't take back, and i don't want you to ruin my last night with my friends you'll already done enough" i say leaving as fast as i could. i just hope the people out side didn't hear about the pregnancy.

i started to look for the girls and lando but they weren't on the vip section but that's when i felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around.

"hey you must be aubrey, i'm valentina" oo fuck. how is this girls real?? i've never seen someone with a more perfect skin, she looked gorgeous and tall, he hair was fucking perfect, i kid you not she was moving in slow motion.

"yeah hi" i said smiling with my lips pressed into a thin line, she really got me at the worst time.

"you're pierre's friend right?" she asked giving me a smile.

"yeah... i'm sorry i need to find my friends before they leave, see you around" i rushed out of there to the closest bar. honestly i didn't want to be so rude but she's the least person i wanted to talk to.

"there you are? are you okay?" lando ask followed with daniel and max, i could see the girls dance behind them so i went to stand next to them.

"hey yeah i'm fine, i was just looking for you guys" i said faking a smile which the girls notice but didn't say anything.

"you missed when max fell to the floor tryin go to dance" daniel said putting his arm on my shoulder "and penelope wanted to help him up but her drink felled wetting all his trousers hahahah" his smile could eat me.

"hey don't laugh the floors slippery" max said while his words where dragging.

"it looked like you peed mate" he started laughing so hard, it was so contagious we were all to tears, well i wasted they were all just drunk haha.

a few hours went by and i hadn't seen pierre in a while which was good but i couldn't stop think about him being with her.

no stop it aubrey the only think his doing is breaking your heart you sadness or any of your feelings. but being sober and having these thought we're not a good thing.

i told the gang i was going to the bathroom, candace said she also wanted to go. as we trying passing people to get to the bathroom we finally squeezed are way to the bathroom and obviously there was small line.

"did he fuck her?" candace and her boldness, really gonna miss that.

"what? no... i mean i don't think they did after he meet me, but what do i know?? apparently i'm so fucking blind he lied to me twice that i now of" as i said that candace stud right in front of me very harshly clearly not wanting me to see whatever was in front of us and i didn't even want to see and already new what it was.

i moved a little pass her and saw pierre stading in front of valentina while she was against the wall, his hand on her waist as she hand one on his chest and the other one in his neck. it was that smile of his again laughing at whatever is that she does to make him smile like that. i never did.

my eyes started to tear up and i couldn't look away. if you didn't know them it would seem they were together and it seem that way to my and i'm pregnant with his child. candace called out my name which made pierre turn his head in my direction, i turned around as quick as possible grabbing candace hand.

"can we leave?" she nodded "let's go find the others. we got back to the room and looked at the girl "i wanna go, can we go?" sydney saw the seriousness of my face.

"come on, we're hungry anyways" she said grabbing penelope on one arm and charles from the other. i turned around and looked at lando and i didn't need to say a word.

he grabbed my hand, as i still had candace hand in my grip, he stared to lead the way out. daniel and max followed behind. the entrance was full of people and paparazzi's lando let go of my hand and made us go in front of us so that tomorrow we wouldn't have to wake up to news saying i was cheating or something.

sydney and penelope went in charles car, as the rest of us went to daniels.

"do i follow charles?" daniel ask.

"ummm maybe i should drive..." everyone was so waisted the last thing i need is an accident.

"yeah... i'm seeing double" i opened his door helping with a little to get up and sit in the back, i jumped inside and started the car, lando was sitting next to me in the passenger side.

"have you ever driven a sports car?" he said with an amusing face.

"yeah... all the time" i said sarcastically, i started driving and saw charles was parked a little further waiting for us i flash my light so he could see me coming and he did.

we started driving to a house max had here. it was only 20 min away but it was enough time for me to cool down and just space away whatever i just saw back at the club, they guys in the back were laugh back something candace said, i'm so out of it i didn't even hear her.

i missed driving it really made me feel free, it was like my time, just for me and my thought which sometime is not the best and it help me more than anything.

as we got to the house i was a big entrance with a big driveway i was charles car park already and a different car next to him.

"he's here" lando said turning his head towards me.

"yeah he texted me and told him where we were going" max said a little bit more sober "sorry... was i not to?" he said feeling guilty.

"pierre's an idiot" candace said.

"hey no he's not, it's fine max... it's fine don't worry" i said parking the car. i got out waiting for candace to do also, she grabbed my arm and we walk to the other girls the four of us hand in hand.

charles was help max open the door of the "house" mansion, i could feel pierre's eyes on me and i was trying so hard not to look at him, i just know that you glimpse and my heart wouldn't take it anymore. you could feel the tension or awkwardness, no one was talking, you could only hear the guys trying to open the door. i could see him on the corner of my eye he was about to say something when max scream.

"HAAHHHH I OPEND IT" we all turned his way "let's goooo innnside".

we all started walking into the house when pierre and me walked through the door at the same time are arms brushing together making my hole body shiver. it feels like ages ago when he last touched me.

do i even want him to?.

hey guys!!

i think this chapter was a bit ass haha
but hope you still like it.

thanks for reading

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