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You were a demon in the underworld your job is to burn the sinners that kills, kidnapped or rape children without mercy  you were start to get bored with you job.... don't get it wrong you LOVE give them what they deserve,

"Hey (y/n)!"
You look outside your window and saw luna she was one of the free sinners and one of Lucifer hoe's you can see why she is smoking hot but she's not really your cup of tea

"Heyyy luna i thought you'll be sucking of Lucifer right now what's up" she rolled her eyes and giggle "ohh did that already you know but Lucifer want me to to give you these letter" your heart skip a beat "o. O. Ouhh... Okay does he tell you what the letters about" luna shake her head no and handed you the letter "no he didn't tell me anything.. what did you do anyway?" You shrugged "I don't even know" you open the letter



I've been watching you and your life, you y/n is a really really great worker, nevertheless the job you hold now will be replaced by some other demon, i am sorry to tell you this but you are fired from you job, however i have some important matter to discuss with you, in that case you need to come to my office 3:20, just a quick reminder if you try to run away i will come to you myself and don't be late



"WHAT NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING I GOT BILLS TO PAY FUCK" luna look at you shocked "is everything okay babe?" you want to cry but it will be humiliating this is humiliating enough "Lucifer fired me" luna snatch the letter "what no way"
You sigh 'how am i going to live like this' luna look at you and sighed "hey you know it's okay you can live with me if you become homeless i mean if you want to" you smile at luna "thank you luna i don't even know how you end up being in here" luna giggle "well thank god i end up here or you might be homeless right now" you smile

3:20, hell office
You knocked at the door "come in" a man voice said his voice was deep and charming you gulp and come in "ah y/n hello there"

Your eyes blow open he was scary, charming and tall he has a red hair, dark eyes and a scar across his face "hello sir it's an honour to meet you my lord" he grinned "so y/n you aware that you've been fired by your job right" you nod  "yes my lord...

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Your eyes blow open he was scary, charming and tall he has a red hair, dark eyes and a scar across his face "hello sir it's an honour to meet you my lord" he grinned "so y/n you aware that you've been fired by your job right" you nod  "yes my lord" he sighed "i don't have any other choice i had to ..HOWEVER that is not the reason i called you here" he look at me strangely and take a deep breath "you will be sent to the living world" he said fast enough but not enough to make you not hear the word his saying your eyes blew open "what now" he sighed "you will be in the living world" you laugh awkwardly "funny very good joke my lord" he sighed "y/n please understand this You Are Going To The Living World" you stay silent for minute "and what do i do there actually" "well me and the other lord devils have make a deal to sent one of my demon to become a human an-" "wait hold on tight you saying that i will not just go to the human place but i will too become one of them?" "Yes. Now will you let me finish" "yes please" "okay good so as i was saying me and the other make a deal to sent one of my demon become a human and live at the living world when the time is up you will come back here and we will ask you questions.. we will not looking at you because it will ruin the surprise" "so your saying i am going to human world and become a human just because of your bet with another powerful lords" he nod "will you do it?... Please say yes i put a lot of money in this bet" you scoff "yeah no i thi-" "you will have a free place to live and food" "okay i agree" "great oh yeah and also i have chosen a satanic church to help and guide you"

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