meet terzo

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*few minutes later*

"okay let's go meet terzo?" You look up at him (you are sitting at a chair)

You sighed "now???" Copia nod "why are tired?" You shake your head no "okay then what's the matter?" You look down to your hand you were fidgeting 'what's wrong with me' copia notice that you look rather stiff "are you nervous?" It clicks on you, you look up at him "ehmm maybe.." he smile akwardly "..why? Your not nervous when you met me" you smile "i was at first but then i now know that you are really kind it doesn't bother me now.. mmm but what if the papa doesn't like me..?"copia laughed "you are a demon how can a satanist don't like you" you smile and nod "yeah you're right" copia smile back "let's go"

While going to terzo office copia and you talk about what you both like what you both don't like and maybe a little teasing (not sexually! okay) at that start moment copia started to have feelings for you 'but maybe it's to fast' copia think

You and copia arrived at terzo office while laughing about a story that copia tell. Copia knocked at the door at first no one answered and then second knocked "just come in for sake satan" a men yelled from inside copia open the door "oh cardinal what is the matter?" The man asked suddenly his voice soften, he looked at you and smile giving you a little wave "well you remember about the demon that the papa tells us" copia nod "yeah what about it?" Copia look at you "hmm" terzo look at you up and down "ohh your the demone" you smirk "tsk of course i am" terzo laugh "i like you already" he then looked at a lady's next to him "sister's you were such a great entertainer but i have job to now thank you for your time"
Terzo wink at them the sister then went out their way while giggling, you look at the lady while they walked out the door "wow i need to give to you papa you really know your medals" terzo smile while looking at you up and down "well now i think I'll race for a trophy" you were shocked while copia was getting a little jelly "ahah sorry bird man i don't have a playboy type on my list" copia relaxed a bit when you said that "have you met my brother yet?" "No not yet" "well copia I thin i can take it from here i can take the demone a mio fratello" terzo went beside you "no it's okay he can come with us" you say terzo nod " maybe it's a good idea do you want to come cardi?" Copia smile looking at you "if well if you don't mind papa?" "If it's okay with demon then i am okay with it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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