Chapter 6: Two Sides of One Coin

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CW: Swearing

Quinn POV

My thoughts were racing through my head as dad went on about how hard it must be to start in the middle of the year.

"What's your name?" Stacy asked me as I stepped out of the car.

"Quinn Morgendoffer." I swiftly replied.

"Will go on a date with me?" Some guy asked me; can't you give a girl some time to settle in?!

When I turned my head, I saw a girl with blonde hair, brown eyes and baby-pink lips. She was wearing a tan button up with mocha pants. I think I know her already but, I can't pin down where?

"That's great kiddo!" Sigh, typical dad.

I have to say she's kinda cute; n-not that kinda cute, just cute.

Moving on, we had to take some test and Daria gave the weirdest answers. Like Daria, did you have to choose right then to be an asshole?

"Yes I did, Quinn; she was being an ass to me so why not be an ass back." Daria do you have be this rude to everyone?!

"Girls, Language." I wonder what took her so long?

"Ringgggggg" Please tell me it's a Fashion Club meeting.


A/N: Does swearing in a fic for the first time count as a milestone?

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