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You know what is liking right ?

Liking cake, Kpop and stuff

I'm not talking about those kinds of liking

I'm talking about the dead liking

The one that make you think of someone every freaking time even when you don't want

It's eating your brain and making you crazy

Every time you try to move on it won't work

Yeaah that liking, this demon, poison whatever

You know why it's toxic ?

It's because if you don't do something you won't feel in peace

But if you do, you can be reject or whatever

So it's kind of toxic

But it's worst than everything

Because if you are in toxic air you can just change the place you are

But if it's liking you can't !

This is the point

You can try whatever you want

Even if it works it's for a short time

Cause the minute you see this person

You can't control anything anymore

So I developed something

I decided to go straight ahead

Even if it means being embarrassed

One life <3

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