Chapter 13 - Return to the Loud House

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Lynn and George were barreling down the highway at alarming speed, using the siren to bypass traffic. Every second she wasted may be a second too late. However, she was woefully unprepared to handle Lincoln and his army as she was right now.

"Where are we going?" Said George. "I thought we were going to your parent's house?"

"Not yet," said Lynn. "We need to be prepared, so we're going to get some equipment," said Lynn.

"The Chief won't approve any weapons or riot equipment for us," said George, raising an eyebrow. "And all that was destroyed in the explosion."

"We're not going to the police," said Lynn, pulling up to the old shipping container that concealed the bunker. She leapt out of the car and dashed towards the container, with George following behind in confusion. Upon entering, Lynn used the biometric scanner to descend to the bunker below.

"What is this place?" George said as they descended.

"My sister Lisa built this bunker years ago," said Lynn. "In case of emergencies. I stored some weapons and riot gear here for occasions such as this."

"Do you have a contingency for everything?" Asked George, surprised.

"No," said Lynn. "But it's always better to be prepared." Fear was gripping her insides as she drew her sidearm cautiously. Lincoln was able to abduct her family right under her nose, in a place they thought they would be safe in and didn't even think he knew about. He may have left some of his men behind in case she came back here.

She tried to brace herself, but nothing prepared her for what she saw once the door opened.

The receiving room of the bunker was littered with bodies, the acrid stench of blood and gore filling the small room, assaulting their senses. Lynn and George blanched in surprise, with the latter approaching one of the corpses to examine it. "Bullet to the back," he said, covering his face to block the smell. "Severed his spine, presenting his movement. He bled out slowly." Lynn continued into the room. More and more bodies were strewn throughout the room as she proceeded towards the living quarters. She stopped dead as her eye caught a familiar figure, causing her to gasp in horror. Chaz's lifeless form was slumped over the table, a bullet taken to the head.

Lynn turned away, trying to hold back tears for her fallen brother-in-law. Leni would be devastated, if she didn't already know. She would come back for him later to make sure that he was given a proper burial. She continued further into the bunker when she suddenly heard something. She stopped and craned her neck to the source of the sound: labored breathing and gasping. Someone was still alive! She ran towards the sound, following it into the living quarters. More bodies lined the small room as she found the source of the gasping: her sister-in-law, Sam, slumped against the wall.

"Sam!" Shouted Lynn, running to her side. She felt her stomach churn as she looked over her injuries. She had a large belly and chest wound, having taken several rounds to the torso. She had torn her jacket and used her belt to hold the rudimentary bandage onto her stomach to stop the bleeding, while applying pressure herself to her chest wound. Despite these efforts, she was still losing a lot of blood, and was looking very pale and peaked.

"L-Lynn," Said Sam weakly. "Luna. . . . taken . . ."

"Try not to speak," said Lynn. "I'll call you an ambulance. George!" She shouted for her partner, but Sam grabbed her head and turned her back to face her.

"It was. . . W-Wild Card. . ." Said Sam. "Shot . . . Chaz first . . . tried to fight back . . ."

"It's okay," said Lynn. "It's gonna be okay!"

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