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chapter fifty-two[ dear dad ]

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chapter fifty-two
[ dear dad ]

it was the following day and everyone was at nancys house. steve, dustin and lucas were all looking at all old newspapers while max was doing her own thing and melissa was trying to reach will and eleven.

"come on will." she sighed, hanging the phone up and joined the boys on the couch.

" can vecna have existed in the '50s? it doesn't make sense."

"far as we know, eleven didn't create the upside down. she opened a gate to it. the upside down has probably been around for thousands of years, millions. i wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." dustin concluded.

"seriously dustin?" melissa rolled her eyes.

"dinosaurs? what are we..."

"okay. but if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did vecna get through?" lucas asked to no one in particular.

"how's he getting through now?" steve questioned.

"and why now? and why then? just pops out in the '50s, kills one family, and he's like, im good. and poof, he just disappears. just....gone?" steve rambled, "only to return 30 years later and start killing random teens? no, i don't buy it." he glanced at the paper in his hand.

"straightforward, my ass. honestly, henderson," steve looked at dustin, "a little humility now and then, it wouldn't hurt you."

"sorry." dustin apologized as steve sat down and crossed his leg like a dad.

melissa let out a laugh, "he looks like a dad." she giggled but was ignored.

ever since she got back, everyone just ignores her. she hates this. if only billy and her dad were here, they wouldn't ignore her, they would listen to what she has to say, will too.

melissa hadn't even realized steve was now gone and it was only her, dustin, lucas and max.

"you zoned out again, mel." dustin whispered to her.

"like you care." she mumbled.

steve then came back downstairs and sat back in his spot. max walked over and handed each of them an envelope with their names on it.

"for you." she handed a letter to dustin, "for you." then to steve, "um, you." then lucas, "and you." and then to melissa.

"oh, and, um, give these to mike, el, and will." max handed them to melissa, "if you can ever get a hold of them again."

"im trying." melissa sighed.

the guys began opening them, "what are you doing? no, don't. that's not for now. don't open it now." max yelled at them.

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