that time Dixon adopted Okane

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It was a lazy afternoon. No one had much to do, everyone was relaxing.

The orange light of the sun passed through the windows, warming up the room. Letting the mood be settled but those comfortable and mellow rays.

Usually moments like this Luka would spend it in Okane's room. There would be just the two of them smoking or snoozing off. Even doing nothing, just breathing in the same air and embracing each other, felt safe and homely.

Today though, for a no real reason, both Luka and Okane were napping in the blonde's room. Usually Luka wouldn't prefer to share intimate moments, because even just sleeping embraced was private for them, with others in the room.

In fact, when the two fell asleep, neither Esteban nor Dixon were present. But when Okane started to lightly wake up, his eyes meeting only light toned strings and his arms full of his own shirt that hugged Luka's still completely asleep body, he heard voices in the room.

Okane yawned silently, letting those last minutes of drowsiness expire while hugging his lover. The soft and honey smell of Luka's hair drowning his senses.

It hadn’t been that long since Luka had been out of the hospital, and nothing really seemed to change on the exterior about him. But what no one really knew, it was that he was more tired and tended to be exhausted easier than before. Summarily, Luka wasn't going to wake up easily.

"Good morning" in a sheepish and still asleep tone Okane announced, sitting up at the end of the bed, letting Luka's legs on his lap. "Good six pm, dude" Dixon chuckled raising a fist bump at him, Okane grinned and reciprocated the gesture.

Esteban came out of the bathroom at that moment and greeted him as well with a smirk. Okane stretched out his arms and got up, carefully making sure to not wake up Luka while adjusting his legs. The blonde just squished his face more in the pillow, without waking up, despite them talking out loud.

"I'm gonna get out of the fucking way, I promise" Okane said scratching the back of his neck, feeling like he was disturbing them, and generally not really welcome. Majorly considering everything that happened between all of them.

Okane still thought like he had a reason for everything he has done, but guiltiness sometimes gripped his throat.

But what he wasn't expecting was that, "Ohy" Dixon said raising a hand to pat his naked shoulder, "you can stay, you know right?". Okane wore a confused face, with a soft but not really noticeable blush.

"We forgave Luka last year, and he was even shittier to us than you" Esteban laughed, Dixon squeezed the grip on his arm in a reassuring way.

Okane wasn't really sure that was true, from what he knew about what happened with the Lodge, but decided not to judge Esteban's point of view.

"Then I'm gonna steal one of his shirts and exploit a little your bathroom" he smiled at Dixon, who just smiled back. In fact, Luka had on his and Okane was wearing only his pajama pants. "All yours" the Colombian whistled while the curly haired was searching something to put on in Luka's drawer.

It wasn’t like there was a mess in there, actually it was very organized, but with not a lot of comfortable clothes. "Fucking hell, a shirt I'm searching" Okane said under his breath in a mocking way, making both Esteban and Dixon giggle.

"I think he doesn't have a, like, just normal shirt" Esteban made fun of him, and, in that second, Okane, with the biggest grin from ear to ear, took out from Luka’s closet a crutch with an elegant shirt full of frills and pearls around the collar. It looked like something a prince in the Victorian era would wear.

Dixon tried so hard to not howl loudly, muffling his chortle with his hand. Esteban and Okane were in a similar situation, while looking at Luka, who anyway didn't give any sign to wake up.

"Wait, I'll lend you something" the Colombian said with a still trickle of laugh, throwing the other man a without sleeve shirt of his. "Finally, thanks a lot" Okane answered while disappearing behind their bathroom's door.

The curly haired was just in front of the sink, ready to freshen up a little, when he heard muffled voices from the room talking. "I genuinely meant it when I said that he is not that bad" what seemed Dixon voice said, "yeah no I agree, we just have to hope he doesn't get tired of Luka", Esteban appeared to joke.

Okane smiled to himself and turned on the water, hoping that with the noise, he wouldn’t be able to eavesdrop more. Maybe he could be happy. Okane wasn't used to have someone to love, or be loved for what it matters. But it felt strange to feel that warm in his guts. That similar warmth he felt around Luka in the latest period.

Even though Okane would have never admitted that out loud. It still felt somehow that love was a weak point in a person.

Because he was zoned out in his thoughts and absorbed by the sound of the water, Okane only noticed the graphic on the tee once he put it on and looked at himself in the mirror.

"But it's a Tupac shirt, man?!" Okane said in a shocked, proud tone before suddenly opening the door of the bathroom with said shirt on. Dixon immediately met his gaze with two glittered eyes full of excitement.

Jumped on his feet, the Colombian reached Okane just to hug him. "Now we have to absolutely keep him" Dixon said over Okane's laugh.

"What the fuck is going on?" A too silent voice finally expressed his usual disgust and offended tone. Luka raised his head from the pillow with a concerned, almost scandalized expression. His blonde hair all ruffled and only Okane's shirt covering him.

Luka asleep had such a soft and adorable feature, but now he looked so harsh and aggressive, almost looked like two different people. Probably Okane being the only person on earth preferring him and finding him attracting more brat and feistier than asleep and passive.

Okane slapped his hand on Dixon's chest and pointed at Luka, "that was my shirt!". Dixon’s response was only to gape with overjoyed eyes, "where were you this whole time?" He screamed then.

"Trying to recover my dead music career with an assassin" Okane said with a little smile, while Dixon already wasn't anymore paying that much attention but just analyzing the top on the blonde's. A graphic tee with a complicated design that represented Eminem's 'Relapse' album.

Esteban was enjoying the whole scene like he was watching a TV series, the Colucci searched for his gaze in the hope of an explanation, but didn't really earn anything apart from a little laugh followed by a shrug.

"Someone cares to explain?" Luka repeated himself over the whole mess of noises Dixon and Okane became. "We keep him" the Colombian stated while hugging Okane tightly, said man just embarrassingly smiled while meeting Luka's eyes.

"Sleep with him if you care so much" Luka scoffed and Esteban started to laugh soundly at the retort. Okane accompanied him, while Dixon just raised his hands in the air.

There was such a nice atmosphere, that Okane could almost get used to it.

Maybe it wasn't so scary to be in love.

Maybe he could learn to do that.

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