Chapter 1

17 2 4

La Casa de Martinez, 13th July 2016

Birds could be heard singing their morning song as the bright early sun was pouring through the slightly open sash window, the crisp air blowing into the cottage due to the delicate wind. The fresh breeze washed over the face of a sleeping young girl who was curled up with a patchwork quilt in an armchair just under the window. Somewhat stirring, she pushed her long black hair out of her face as her eyes fluttered open and she drew in a gasp of excitement.

Although, her peace and enthusiasm didn't last for long. She soon heard that oh-so-familiar angry yell made even more intimidating by the Spanish accent.

"Jaelyn Black, you better pray to Merlin that this is not what I think it is! What have I told you about sleeping in the living room, you will freeze to death! And oh for the love of Godric Gryffindor, you left the curtains and window open again!!! I have had it up to HERE with all your shenanigans, just wait until Abuela Valentina (Granny Valentina) hears about it." Catalina had to take a large breath to regain her temper after her slight rampage at her youngest daughter.

Jaelyn used this opportunity to get her say in.

"Lo siento Mama (I'm sorry Mum), but please don't tell Abuela Valentina. It's our 11th birthday today and I wanted to be the first one awake. Our letters will be coming!" she exclaimed with nothing but eagerness.

Catalina couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, you most certainly will not be going to Hogwarts if you have not given up the mischief and cheeky tongue by then. Now go wake up your siblings."

With a frustrated sigh, Jaelyn climbed out of the armchair and made her way through the living room and up the stairs where her siblings lay sleeping.

The first room she reached was the room shared by her brothers Cameron, Alexandro and Elijah. It was a pretty big room, with enough space for all 3 of the boys. Creaking the old door open, she stepped into the middle of the room and first looked over to the bunk bed to the left where her triplet brothers were still sound asleep. Elijah was on the top bunk as Alex didn't like ladders, they were both slightly snoring.

'Slightly' was an understatement, however, for the level of snoring coming from the right where their older brother Cameron was still knocked out cold, half falling off his twin-sized bed.

For a second Jaelyn contemplated waking them up reasonably and respectfully, but then she was brought back into her own body.

"WAKE UP GARGOYLES! GET YOUR LAZY ARSES OUT OF YOUR PITS, THIS IS A DAY THAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY!" were the words she chose to holler at the top of her lungs as she banged both her hands on the wall beside the door frame, much to the dismay of her family members.

Cameron fell completely onto the floor with a loud thud and a string of explicits, Elijah shot straight into an upright position with one of the most hilariously startled faces Jaelyn had ever seen, plastered across his usually calm one, and Alexandro simply rolled over onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow and telling his sister to "bog off".

"But it's our birthday, we're 11!" she baffled back.

This caused Elijah to instantly climb out of bed and whiz past Jaelyn through the door, and slowly but surely the other 2 boys followed suit.

Happy with her work in the boys' room, Jaelyn started making her way through to the room she shared with her 2 older sisters, but before she could even reach the door it swung open revealing a very grumpy and extremely tired-looking Melody.

"Thanks for that you absolute brat. Could've heard you from about a mile off," she muttered, as she barged past her younger sister.

The mood, however, was not dampened, as next out of the room was Vivien, who pulled Jaelyn into a blood-draining hug, "Happy Birthday sis, I can't believe you three are gonna be joining us at Hogwarts this year! It's mad! But just so you know... wake me up like that again and you might wake up missing a limb or two." Flashing a quick smirk, Vivien too disappeared down the winding staircase.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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