Chapter - 1

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I am new to Wattpad and SCK so bear with me! I never understood, okay other than this being a dizi, why they didn't know who Serkan was by the plan registration or any of the other basic information that planes have - flight plan, all the good stuff! So let's run with my hyper logical brain - I always hated that he called Selin. Oh, she'll slither in, but just not too soon!


Twelve hours. It had been twelve hours since her life had been ripped apart by the news that Serkan's plane had gone missing. Eda was still sitting in her wedding gown staring at the television willing for the news to be different for something to change, but there was nothing. Hala had been begging her to change her gown for hours now but Eda couldn't do it, Serkan promised he would be right back.

When he came to tell her that he had to go to Italy because of yet another problem created by his father she thought her head might explode. This was their day and Aptekin was still creating problems. He had stolen so much time from them already.

Maybe that was why Serkan insisted that they do the quick ceremony before he left? So that they were legally married and she knew he would always belong to her? Because he knew she was angry? Well she was, but she forgave him, she knew the importance of this deal. His real reason though, was that he couldn't wait, he was nervous and excited and he didn't want to wait. They would have their celebration later but this was for them, this was for him.

The silly man, her love was so deep for him she would always belong to him. When he told her if he was born 100 times he would fall on love with her each time, she knew that the same was true for her. And now he was her husband, witnessed by Ayden, Engin and Ferit, they told no one else.

So Eda waited. Serkan was the other half of her heart, the other half of her soul, so she knew that he was alive. She had told Ayden anne that she knew he was alive. She sat and prayed and reached out with her heart and her soul to Serkan that he come back to her.

Eda and Ayden sat together in the Bolat house holding on to each other. Seyfi tried to press water and tea on the two women while they waited. Neither could be bothered. Ayfer, Melo, Ceren, Ferit, Engin, Pyril, Leyla and Fifi all had taken up residence at the Bolat estate, though none of them had the same confidence that Eda had. While Eda and Ayden waited for news that Serkan was found, the others were expecting the worst.

Ayden believed Eda, she knew that the bond between her son and Eda was so strong and they had fought so hard for each other that there was something magical about their love. If Eda said that she knew that Serkan was alive, then Ayden believed that he was. So the two women kept vigil and prayed.

No one asked Seyfi, but Seyfi believed in Eda. He had believed in Eda from the very beginning. He knew that she was the woman that was destined to save the Bolat family and prayed that fate would not be so cruel. Seyfi believed in the strength of Eda Yildiz and if anyone's heart could reach across the universe to another person, then hers could.

As the hours continued to slip by, Ayden turned to Eda, "Kizim, let's get you into something more comfortable. When Serkan comes home we cannot have the dress ruined for the wedding."

Eda blinked at Ayden as if coming out of a trance, tears beginning to roll down her face. "Ayden anne, come help me?"

Ayfer hala looked at the two women, not understanding why they were holding on to such hope but wanted to be there for Eda. "Eda, let me help you as well."

"Tamam hala, tamam."

The three women headed upstairs, both older women supporting Eda. Seyfi ran behind to support Ayden, he knew that Ayden and Eda had been up for over twenty-four hours and had to be exhausted. With the four of them out of the room the conversation in the living room changed from one of hope to one of despair.

"What are we going to do when they don't find him alive?" asked Fifi?

Melo, always team eniste said, "Fifi, don't say that we don't know anything. Maybe we just need to be positive like Eda."

"We have to be ready for anything, this is going to be a nightmare for the holding and ArtLife in the press. We have to be prepared to handle this. Unfortunately we still have a business to run." Pyril was ready to crack but she also was a partner in a successful architectural firm. She was stating the obvious.

Ferit was well aware of this, he knew that Serkan and Eda were married and that the holding would likely fall to Eda. He was fine with that, but she was going to need help and they would all have to help her. "Ceren, does Serkan have a current will?"

Ceren was taken aback by the question, she shouldn't have been but she was, she was just so heartbroken for Eda that she was lost in her own thoughts. "Serkan had me draft a new will two days ago, so yes, he has a current will."

"Eda is coming back, sus." Leyla waived her hands to all.

Eda and Ayden had both changed into more comfortable clothes and removed their makeup and jewelry. None of the people in the room commented, nor did any of them notice that Eda's flower ring was on her left hand instead of her right hand. Well, Seyfi noticed, but he didn't miss anything.

"Ayden hanim and Eda hanim, will you have some tea or water please?" asked Seyfi. Both women nodded though Seyfi doubted that they heard him.

Friends and family drifted in and out of the room over the next twenty-eight hours. Eda was running on fumes, she had been up for over thirty-six hours. She looked over at Ayden anne who was napping on the sofa next to her and gave a soft smile, remembering their journey from bu kiz to kizim. Eda took a deep breath and cleared her mind once again, she focused on Serkan again, she held her hands over her heart and prayed again. "My love, my love, please come back to me. Please come back to me."

Over 1,200 km away, the surgical trauma team in Koper, Slovenia finished the seven hour surgery on the plane crash victim, he was the only survivor of the four people who were on board the plane that crashed off the coast. He was lucky to be alive, though what his recovery would be like was unknown with the head trauma and multiple fractures that he had suffered. Time would tell.

The police had the planes registration and contacted the owner to report that they had recovered the plane and that there was one survivor, it appeared to be the passenger. The owner of company knew who the passenger was, their relief that Serkan Bolat was alive was tempered with the loss of the pilot, copilot and flight attendant.

Omer Bey had no need to look for an emergency contact for Serkan Bey, he knew that he was making an emergency trip that day, he had booked the plane himself. Eda hanim would be overjoyed to know that her fiancé was indeed alive.

The police requested that Omer Bey pass along the surgeon's number for the passenger's next of kin so that they could speak with them. Omer Bey was only to happy to reach out to Eda hanim.

Eda's ringing phone startled her, she looked at the number and saw that it was for the company that ArtLife rented their private jets from. "Hello?"

"Eda hanim? Omer Bey, I am calling with the best of good news. We have found Serkan Bey, he is at a hospital in Koper, Slovenia. The surgeon there has requested that you contact them immediately, I will give you their number." He spoke this all so quickly that Eda, in her exhausted state, had to have him repeat it. She shook Ayden anne awake.

"Omer Bey, once I have spoke with this surgeon, I am going to need a plane, can you make that happen for me please?"

"Yes, yes. Eda hanim, anything for you, anything. You let me know what you need and I will make sure all is ready. I will wait to hear from you." He hung up the call knowing that he had passed along the only positive news that he was going to pass along today. He now needed to break the hearts of three other families. Omer Bey decided that he needed to make these visits in person so he set off in his car to share the bad news and offer what comfort he could.

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