It's Like I Lost My Virginity

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The man lunged towards me grabbing me up. He twisted one of my arms behind my back, making me yelp out. "You're just going to be thrown away anyways, might as well do as I please before delivering you." He muttered sinisterly.

I raised my knee and kicked him in the groin, making him release me. Quickly I turned around and grabbed my dragon necklace remembering that the tail of the dragon was a very sharp curved knife. Something inside me was clicking. Turning into a person inside of me, that I was not. I raised my knee once again, know kicking him in the stomach knocking him down.

"You bitch!" He shouted holding both his stomach and crotch.

"Maybe." I said coldly before bending down near his face. "But you'll never do it again."

I dug my knife deep into his neck and quickly slicked it open. Blood was spewing everywhere and some even got on my naked body. I looked into a mirror infront of me as this petty servant gurgled in his blood. It was the most beautiful site I've ever seen. Never once did I find myself unattractive , but this was the strongest I've ever felt in my life.

I put my foot on the man's face, as he was still barley alive. Before I went to push my foot all the way down I hear a loud gasp. My head shot to the right and at the end of the hallways stood Hunter, and Chase.

"Rose what are you doing?" Hunter said with a terrified look on his face.


Once I had snapped out if everything I broke down. How could I have done this? I couldn't help myself, I was so full of rage.

"Have you ever killed anyone before?" Chase questioned. His deep English voice was deep and serious.

"N-no? I don't do this stuff. I'm not like you guys." I said angrily. This wasn't me. The only reason I was acting this way was because they were getting to me.

Hunter scoffed. "Don't blame us for your choices flower. Just as you let us in your home not knowing us, you killed that innocent man." Hunter examined with an awful smirk.

"Innocent my ass. I was asking for help, and he attacked me. What was I suppose to not defend myself?"

"I suppose she is right. He was just another meaningless human." Chase nodded.

Meaningless human. I laughed to myself silently. Why wouldn't they just kill me already? This was nonsense.

"We don't want you dead. We've developed a bit of a crush on you." Chase said with a wide grin making me shiver.

"I need some clothes." I said ignoring everything they were saying.

I knew exactly what I would do. Yes I knew they would feed off of me regardless. But they wanted a brat, I'll give them a brat. They can read my thoughts all they want.

"Oh so you're feeling rebellious? Don't get to ballsy. Like I said flowers are easily broken." Hunter laughed.

"I dont know what you're talking about." I said rolling my eyes. Since they hadn't told me where any clothes were, I got up and walk to Hunter's closet. My jaw dropped when I seen a huge Lamb Of God shirt. The first thing I wanted to do was scream and maybe even bond over it. But quickly I shut the fuck up. Soon I would be dead anyways.  I took the shirt off the hanger and quickly threw it on.

"She's a little weirdo like you brother!" Chase laughed.

"Shut up dick head." Hunter said with a smile rolling his eyes. Part of me wanted to join the laugher, but I would probably just be told to shut up.

"So my love, how was your first kill?" Chase questioned raising an eyebrow.

Honestly, it felt like I lost my virginity. It was euphoric as fuck. "It was disgraceful. I am not that person. You won't see that happen ever again." I said lying, and everyone knew it. "I would like to go back to my room now."

As I got up and walked towards the door Chase stood infront of the door with his arms crossed. "We are coming with you."

"Uh- okay. I don't care." I admitted almost truthfully. They followed me to my room and turned the lights off. Neither of them laid down with me. Instead they stood there and watched me lay down.

"You are so beautiful flower." Hunter said grabbing my foot and kissing my big toe making me slight flinch.

"She's so delicate, and delicious " Chase inputted, before grabbing my hand. He nicked my finger with the tip of his fang before sucking the blood out of the small wound. "Her smell alone is a tease." He hummed to himself. I tried to not react to anything they were doing. They would not get the best of me.

Hunter's hands traveled up my body and under the shirt I was wearing. His index and thumb squeezed and massaged my nipple making me bite my lip hard. Chase then repeated the same actions on my other nipple. They were pinching so hard I wanted to cry out, but I refused.

"Well, since you intend to be so silent if you make a peep you'll get smacked." Hunter said sternly before digging his nail through my nipple. I bit down hard on my hand trying to not make a sound. Chase's mouth then wrapped around the other side of my hand and bit down, making me cry and moan out loud. He continued to drink from me for a second more before pulling away a slapping me in the face.

"You just can't follow rules can you?" Chase asked as his other hand slowly traveled to my exposed core brushing over it. My hips bucked forward and I quickly turned my face away. I couldn't see them but I was sure they could see me and they don't deserve to pleasure me. Suddenly they pulled away leaving me aroused and whimpering.

"Fine, we won't pleasure you." Chase said before sitting in the chair on the left side of the room. Hunter went to the chair on the other side of the room.

"You can sleep flower. We are just watching over you." Hunter said with a strained voice. I didn't reply, instead I let myself drift off to sleep.


Im stoned and tierd as fuckk. Pls comment 🥲

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