two personality ⛈️ (updated🥲)

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"killer is a dumbass... He can't do any mission properly.... He always the one who got so much injury then the other idiots.... Why did I even recruit him to this team.... He's such a waste of time...." Nightmare sigh as he look at his paperwork.... Nightmare was getting tired everyday.... Suddenly nightmare door was open, quickly nightmare put a fake smile and waited for the person to come in.... It was killer. "Yes my Queen... Do you need anything?~" said nightmare as he wrapped one tentacles around killer's waist. "Umm.... Boss I wanted... To ask something real quick...." Killer said as he let himself being lift by nightmare tentacles to the taller lap. "What is it my love?" Nightmare ask him in a sweet tone.... (Y'all know it's fake right?) "You hate me.... Right?" Killer ask not even bother to face him. " And why do you think of such nonsense...-" nightmare couldn't finish his sentence as he saw killer took out a recording device out of his pocket. He replay back what nightmare had said to him
'killer is a dumbass... He can't do any mission properly.... He always the one who got so much injury then the other idiots.... Why did I even recruit him to this team.... He's such a waste of time' killer tighten his grip into a fist. "Now tell me 'love', do you hate me?" Killer ask as he knows what night would say. "Where did you.... Get... That my love...?" Nightmare said as he started to Sutter on his words. Killer got up from nightmare's lap and slap him. "Don't you dare 'love' me you selfish bxtch! You are just like them! Why I even thought you were maybe somehow different from them! You are the same as them! I trusted you night... I really do.... You think you can turn me into your mindless puppets? " Nightmare got up and tried to calm killer down, "killer I can explain... I'm sorry... I didn't know what got into me-" "enough boss... I had heard everything from the 'real' you... I don't need to hear any other excuse especially if it comes from you...." Killer walk away and slammed nightmare door. Nightmare feel like he was being a bit to mean to killer... But it's the truth... Killer keep failing missions and keep having critical injury.... Nightmare walk out of his room and drag himself to the kitchen to have lunch. He saw that killer was on the couch with cross. Then he heard cross ask... "So... How's you injury...?" Killer stare at the television and answered "it will past.... Sides.... It's not that bad..." Cross looks at killer with a worry look, "not that bad? You had a critical injury that might lead you to reaper's list isn't bad for you? Killer please stop worrying me...." Cross said as he snuggle on killer and tried to comfort killer. "Cross look... I did it for you guys... If I didn't stop dreams arrow.... You might die criss-cross..." Said killer with a beautiful smile... "And I don't care if i fail my mission... What's more important is too keep y'all safe..." Killer continue trying to make cross feel a bit better... Nightmare now knew why killer keep having critical injuries and fail missions... He wanted to say sorry to killer but before that killer said "boss... Since... I'm useless and im wasting your time... I thought I wanted to leave and not burden you... I've seen you been tired lately... So why don't I leave for the good?" Before nightmare could say anything... Killer teleport away with cross obviously.....

What have I done....?


Somehow I did finish it but for whatever reason it only published only half of the story 🤣 sorry

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