chapter 27 • better person, and she ended up making him worse

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she looked tired.

she was tired. her soul was tired.

it had been one week since the break up, and not once had cherry pulled herself out of bed, besides to eat and shower.

her brother and friends occasionally checked up on her as if she was dying.

she ignored most of them, besides mia and vance.

slowly, she was reverting to her old ways. she was angry about everything.

she had absolutely zero motivation to do anything.

finney was behind her, now.

he hated her, he'd decided on that. he'd never look back.

the thought of her made him angry.

everything made him angry.

it was like he was being consumed by negative energy, and he was doing nothing to stop it.

the setting sun made him angry.

because he knew the next day would be a day without cherry.

and then he'd get mad at himself for even caring that valentine was gone.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now