Jason Aftermath.

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Jason had been too pissed drunk to know what had happened to Ashley. Jason spent the whole entire previous day from morning to evening at the bar. Jason kept on drinking then puking then drinking again till Brian had enough. Brian had tried to stop Jason drinking but he knew Jason better than anyone as to what he will do if Brian stopped him. So Brian just let it be until it was too much to bear/handle.

Jason was beyond pissed drunk. By the time Jason had come home Ashley was half way home in his fathers private jet. The next morning Jason woke up from his bed with a severe throbbing headache. He went to the kitchen to get himself a chocolate shake as he knew it was his best hangover recovery medicine. After making the chocolate shake. Jason sat down on the chair for a while then he noticed that it was too quiet. He got up from the chair & went in search of Ashley, Jason tried calling Ashley out then he tried calling her in the office  to see if she was there but Catherine picked up the phone & told him that she didn't come to work. By now Jason was beyond pissed. He then trashed the entire apartment while screaming like a mad man. Jason kept on calling Ashley's name when he trashed the apartment. By this time, Jason's headache was still there but replaced with rage. Jason also noticed while trashing the place that the safe was completely cleaned out. All except his cash.

Jason managed to cut his hand while throwing things around. Jason was beyond angry as he didn't know where she was. Then suddenly the phone rang. Jason had to find the phone to answer it. Jason once again trashed the apartment to find the phone. Jason finally managed to find the phone, he answered it & it was his father Matt.

Jason: (Speaking while sobbing in anger) Dad, Ashley's gone.

Mr. Matt: I know.

Jason: (In angry tone) How do you know she is gone?

Mr. Matt: I sent her home.

Jason: Home where? To her old apartment?

Mr. Matt: No, to India.

Jason: Why dad? Why?

Mr. Matt: You hit her!!! (Angry tone).

Jason: I fucking hate you!!! (Screaming)

Jason threw the phone & then called his friend Shane on his cellphone (after he walked back to his bedroom) which he had kept in his bedroom drawer. 

Jason's Past: 

Shane is a drug supplier for the rich, in the past Jason was an addict but his father made him come clean & it's been 9 years since Jason last took drugs. Jason was desperate & in deep depression in losing Ashley due to her father, Jason wanted to get rid of the pain fast.

Jason phones Shane:-

Jason: Yo, Shi I want some real good stuff. Make it pure & a lot.

Shane: Long time no call Jason. Fine. Usual place. But it's gonna be more pricier than the last time is that okay with you?

Jason: When the fuck has money been a problem for me? How much are we talking about?

Shane: $70K.

Jason: No probs. Bring it soon to my place. Now.

Jason hung up the phone then went to his safe & took out the mentioned amount. Then after 20 minutes the doorbell rang. Jason went to answer it. Shane handed the drugs at the same time Jason handed the money over. Then Jason just slammed the door after that.

Jason sniffed the drug. The drug was cocaine in it's purest of form. Jason was out for a full day. Jason had almost taken an overdose but luckily he slept off before he could finish the entire packet off.

Jason unknown to him had his phone ringing non stop. Mr. Matt went to see if Jason was alright & have a talk with his son as well. Matt opened Jason's door & when he came in his shoe had hit broken glass. Luckily he was wearing shoes if not his feet would need severe stitching. Mr. Matt had to fight his way through the apartment as it was trashed badly. Mr. Matt then managed to go to Jason's room only to find drugs on Jason's bed drawer, while Jason was passed out like a rock. Mr. Matt phones Brian to come up the apartment. Brian comes in the house door while Mr. Matt never bothered to close the door as he didn't see the need to anyway. Mr. Matt tells Brian to bring him to the Rehabilitation Center & have him cleaned. Brian carries Jason to the private lift & puts him in the car & drives Jason off to the center.

Meanwhile Mr. Matt  is in the apartment. He calls the Apartment Manager on his phone to come & clean up Jason's house. Mr. Matt  is now worried about his son as he's thinking maybe sending Ashley back was a bad idea or not as his son's life was hanging by a thread.

Ashley is more than happy to be at home. She's at home telling all stories except for Jason in her stay in the States to her family. Little does she know that Jason was never away to be fully away from her.

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