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Brittany awoke to a warm weight on top of her, her wife's head buried into her neck. This was a pretty normal morning in the Lopez-Pierce household, with Brittany waking up before Santana.

The blonde moved her head slightly to the side to check the time, and seeing that it was half seven on a Saturday morning, she tried to close her eyes to go back to sleep. The only thing preventing her from doing so was how hot Santana was on her, and no she didn't mean the beauty of how wife, though she was stunning, she meant the heat radiating off her.

Placing her hand on her forehead, she knew she had a fever. This brought back her memory of the past few days when Santana had complained of having a sore throat and she didn't eat much. Brittany internally kicked herself for not picking up on the fact that her wife was sick before now.

Wanting her girl to get as much sleep as possible, she leant over to her bedside table and grabbed her phone, occupying herself on it for the next few hours until Santana woke up.

This didn't actually happen until just before 10 a.m., when she nuzzled herself deeper into Brittany's neck. The blonde wasn't too sure if she was actually awake until she felt Santana blink against her skin, tickling her.

She put her phone down and started using that hand to rub her wife's bare back, "Morning honey, are you feeling okay?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

Feeling a shake of the head against her, she pressed a bit further, "Still feeling poorly? Is it your throat still?" She questioned and got another nod in response. Brittany figured it was hurting more than yesterday as she wasn't even making an attempt to speak today.

"Oh baby," she sighed sympathetically, placing a kiss on her the side of her head. "Do you want a drink or anything?" Another shake of the head. "Alright, we'll lay here for a while," she suggested, and they did that when neither of them moved.

This was what they did for around 45 minutes, content in each others arms. Brittany was drawing random patters on Santana's back and the other hand running through brown hair whilst she just lay there.

Brittany wasn't sure if she could lay still for much longer, even if she did have Santana in her arms.

"C'mon San, let's get you some medicine," she said whilst sitting up. Santana didn't say anything in response but did also sit up, bringing a hand to rub her eyes.

She stayed in this same position, all tangled in the sheets until Brittany came back with a few bottles of medicine and a glass of water.

"OK, so, I bought a few cos I didn't know if you would be able to swallow tablets, so I bought the liquid one too," she rambled, holding out both of the options to her wife so she could choose. The brunette pointed towards the liquid hesitantly, so Brittany poured the amount in a cup and passed it to her, placing the glass of water on her bedside table.

The blonde went to go and brush her teeth, wanting to get started on her day, but didn't get very far as she heard a choking sound as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush. Putting it back down on the counter, she rushed back to her wife, patting her on the back till the coughing stopped.

"You okay now, honey?" Brittany softly asked, rubbing her back as she sat next to her on the bed. The only answer she got was Santana turning into her with a groaky whine. The gesture obviously meant that she needed comfort, so Brittany bought her head towards her chest and started to draw circles on her back once more.

"How bad is the pain, San?" Brittany asked. She was now wondering if they should see a professional since she couldn't swallow the medicine. Her wife wasn't one to complain very much about pains. She normally just gets on with it, so this was concerning to her. Santana's reply to this was showing her 7 fingers, indicating her pain was a level of 7/10. Brittany's eyebrows furrowed at this. She hated seeing her in so much pain and not being able to do anything.

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