Saving Potter

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A little trigger warning before hand. In this story There will be gore, talks about past abuse, there will be smut (if I can write it well enough), suicide, and some other stuff. I'll link more after if there is more. If any of these bother you then move along, this book isn't for you.

I will go deep into it so just be aware. I like my fics DARK. I want it sad, gory, and mf heartbreaking so yet again be aware. I'm not sure if I want this to have a happy ending or a sad ending. So I'm craving that sad ending right now, or I might just do that 2 part different ending thing idk

Drop some ideas if you have any. If there's any mistakes then lmk cause I can't spell literally after my whole life of speaking English and the only language I know, I still can't get it right


The boy had a smell of dust and smoke fill his nose when he inhaled. He was standing on a huge pile of rubble. Lifting his hand to his temple just to feel the blood on his finger tips. He made his way down what was left of the stairs to outside. What he saw is what he was dreading from the start of this war


What happened? Hadn't Potter done it? Taken him down. Walking more out he saw Potter laying on his back. He rushed over and fell down next to him

"Potter come on!" The boy shook Potters body aggressively

Looking around he could see bodies of students scattered around the area along with the adults

Most with mangle limbs, some with missing ones. Looking back at Potter he tried to slap his cheeks to wake him. Not a single movement

This couldn't be happening. He was sure this stupid Gryffindor would win. He was sure of it!

What now? What can he do now? The dark lord wasn't in sight. Where could he have gone?

He tried pumping on Potters chest to give him some type of wake up call. Just something!

He put his ear up to his chest to hear a heartbeat, a very faint one, one that's about to stop

Panicking the boy stood up in a search for the closest wand. Frantically looking around he saw one poking out beneath some rocks. Racing over to it, swiping it up, and running back over to the raven haired boy

He knelt back down beside the other boy and sent a shock spell into his chest

Still no movement.

He did it once again. Again. Again. Come on! He shouted in his head. Give me a sign. A twitch. A single breath.

Breathe Potter. Breathe!

The sound of coughing sent the boy over the moon. A relived breath released from him

"Malfoy?" Potters voice was so weak, Draco was surprised he even heard it

"Thought you could get let off the hook so easily Potter? Not yet. You still have something to finish," Malfoy huffed out

Malfoy saw Potter try to sit up, he reached his hand out to help but the other boy just dropped down in pain

Potter looked to the side at the blond, "M-"

Potter inhaled deeply,"My leg Malfoy. I think it's broken."

The blond reached over to lift Potters jeans. Indeed. His legs was in an angle it wasn't supposed to be in. How could he have not noticed?

Hearing the sound voices nearing, Malfoy whipped around. Seeing shadows around the corner, he went to lift Potter, "you gotta work with me here Potter, alright"

Seeing the other boy give a shaky nod. He slipped Potters arm around his shoulders and made him lean most his weight on his own

He heard Potter mutter something, "-on"

He furrowed his brows in confusion and tried making his way out of there, "what?"

"Where's Hermione and Ron?" His voice was so weak it cracked at every word

Malfoy was still trying to make his way out of there he turned around a gave the area a quick scan. When he saw it, he really regretted he did

Her guts were hanging out. One of her arms were gone. The bright witch of her age was gone. The Hermione Granger was no longer alive. Dead. The Wesley boy was not far away from her

He was badly bleeding, his leg was twisted in a wrong direction. His face didn't even seem like a face anymore. The once bright red hair was now a very dark red, it could almost look black

Making just out of the area in time and the walls blocking his view, he turned straight ahead, "I'm sorry."

He felt Potter hand grip his shirt, glancing to the side he saw a single tear roll down the boys cheek

Sighing and trying to hurry his way out of there, he tried to keep his calm, "This isn't a time to cry Potter. They knew what they were in for. This is war."

The other boy couldn't disagree. This was war. He could have saved them and ended it there but he was wasn't strong enough. Weak. He was weak.

They both heard an angry yell from behind them

He realized that Potter was gone. They needed to get out of there quickly

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