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It was the beginning of spring

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It was the beginning of spring. Tiny blossoms were seen growing on the dry twigs and branches of the trees which were standing at their places without a single leaf since winter. The birds chirping were audible to all the passersby and loud enough to reach the ears of the people lying in their beds half asleep and half awake.

The bright morning rays of the sun were peeping through the glass window of Seori's room on the upper floor of a small two-storeyed house at the edge of the town, and falling on the face of the girl making her scrunch her sleepy eyes for a bit before she fully woke up from her daydreams with a loud thug noise of her stumping her hands on the bed and sitting with her tangled hair covering most of her face, as soon as the morning alarm beeped.

"OMG!", she screamed. "Is it monday again?! Shit...I can't take this anymore." She immediately checked on her phone what day it was when a slight smile appeared on her lips as she noticed it's not monday but sunday.

"Oh... calm down girl. Lets lie down for another few minutes", she said to herself and dozed off on her bed once again just to attain a loud scolding from her mother who eventually entered the room to wake up her daughter as a very special day for the Park family.

"What do you think you are doing?! Weren't you up a few secs ago?! Get your lazy ass from the bed as soon as possible, do you know what day it is?"

"Yeah, I just checked its sunday, nothing new. Will be joining yall at the breakfast in few minutes", Seori said sleepily without noticing the furiousness growing over her mother's face.

Mrs. Park thought it to be too useless to continue arguing with her daughter as no matter what she ain't gonna listen to her anyway. So she found it better to leave the room slamming the door loud to warn the sleepy girl for another time.

It was Seori's parent's marriage anniversary.

It was around 9am Seori got up from her bed, thinking of the perfect sleep she had of this week and climbing down the stairs to join her family for the breakfast.

"What time is it?", it was Mrs Park to initiate the conversation "Is it a time for breakfast?"

"Ahhh mom, you know it's Sunday.....I get only a day off the whole week and you're still not letting me live it fully", Seori said being frustrated.

Her father and brother, jaehee were quietly sipping off their orange juice while watching the mother daughter duo bickering.

"But still 9 am is too late to even wake up on sunday specially today", Mrs Park said.

"Today? What day is it?", Seori scratched her head trying to remember "OH SHOOT!! I literally forgotttt...MOM DAD.....happy anniversary", she screamed enthusiastically wishing her parents and tightly hugged her mother."I'm so sorry mumma i really didn't realise...this uni stuffs have dizzied my brain to such an extent that i forgot this very special day"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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