Chapter 11

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Nezuko POV :

I was walking in the corridor towards classroom , I saw  Yuuko and her tow friend .I went  to them saying :" Ohayo everyone .".

" Ah Ohayo Nezuko ! How are you today , you look pretty like always ." Said Yuuko .

"Ah thank you Yuuko you also  look great .".

I noticed Murano and Akiho looking at me , Akiho was annoyed . like she didn't want to be with me , and Murano was just standing like she want to say something  , I looked at them confused ,

what's wrong with these two?

"Ohayo Nezuko , sorry I just zoned out , do you want to have lunch with us ? Taday ." Said Murano.

Akiho looked at her surprised but still not saying anything

"I would like to... thank you Murano San".

Yuuko said " yeah it's good when we have lunch together we will enjoy , let's go Nezuko , see you later Murano , Akiho ". Then we left.

" Ni Yuuko..... what's the problem with Akiho ? She seems that she doesn't want me to be with you .".

" Um well Nezuko , Akiho is like that towards new ones , but if you get to know her better than you will see she is really nice , don't judge the book from the title."

" yeah you're right , I hope so".

Lunch time ....

I was sitting with the girls together then Yuuko asked.

" So Nezuko how was your practice with Shinichi ?".

" it was good.... ". I whispered

Then Murano asked nervously  :"Ni ..... are you and shinichi closer to each other ?".

I was confused . Why she is asking ?.

" Umm no of course not , we barely meet. Why are you asking ?".

" um nothing I was just curious .". Said Murano.

" yeah Nezuko tell me don't you have any interest with boys in our class ?". Asked Yuuko smirking .

" um no , it's the last thing I would think of it ? ."

" oh come on Nezuko , didn't you see that all guys are fond of you, they always look at you admiring ."

"  no ... I am not sure about that ..... . what about you ? Are you interested ?".

Murano and Yuuko  blushed , while Akiho was silence and looking at me with her arrogance expression .

"Um well we have some crushes , but we don't have the courage to tell them ".Said Murano .

" ah I see ... I hope your crushes feel the same ". I smiled .

Then Akiho said :"  yeah we hope that too .. umm well Nezuko . Don't you have other friends besides Yuuko ?"

" Um no I don't ".

Then I saw her smirking :" really ? but everyone is talking about you ? Why don't you have other friends ? Isn't that strange ? ".

I narrowed my eyes :" why is this strange ?".

She said innocently :" I mean You look like an ....... outcast... were you like this before in your old school?"

Did she just say I am an Outcast ! I already start hating this girl ...

" Akiho !!! " said Yuuko angrily.

I faked a smile :" well in my old school I had four  friends ! They are really the best we are like sister and we still even though I am here ... well at this school I still haven't found suitable people to be their friend except for Yuuko of course ."

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