For You | Chapter 24

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the mall

melodys pov

"damn bae look at that girl ass right there" i said pointing along as she walked. "bro this a set up?" he eyed me holding my forever 21 bag.

"no i'm like dead ass look her shit fat hurry up fore she gone!" i semi shouted. his eyes scanned where i was pointing.

"damn" he mumbled. "on god bro," i hyped her up. "man god knew not to give me a body like hers" i added.

"ight you pushin it now" he mushed my head. "if you mush me again imma go find another boyfriend" i side eyed him srunching my face up.

he did it again. "oh so you basically challenging me right? okay" i answered my own question as i started speed walking. i heard dd chuckle before jogging to follow me.

"mel cmon now" he said catching up to me as he matched his strides to mine. he held his pants up with his free hand before licking his lips."so what you ignoring me now" he questioned as i continued to walk.

"melly" he said. i still ignored him. "ma come on you trippin" he smacked his teeth. from a distance i could see a brownskin with two strand twists and headed out for him.

i couldn't really tell his age so imma have to ask. dd followed my eyesight to the boy before shaking his head and walking faster to stand infront me me.

"david you got five seconds or imma blow ya shit right here" i said. "damn it's david now" he said. "ma i'm sorry don't act like that it was a innocent mush" he slouched.

i looked at the boy waiting for his attention to shift anywhere close to me. this may sound toxic but i just wanna see dd get jealous one time just one.

the boy looked over and i waved him over. "hey what's your name" i asked as he walked around dd who was killing me with looks.

"kendrick, wassup" he swiped his bottom lip with his lip. "can i get your n-" "i'll oot you right hea in the mall with witnesses" dd said straightening his face.

he lifted his head to seem more intimidating

"my bad bro" kendrick said backing up. once he was far enough i busted out laughing putting my hand on my knees as i bent over wheezing.

"you seen bro face he was spooked as fuck" i said putting my hand over my mouth attempting to stop my laughs. "melly that wasn't funny yo" his eyes followed my movements.

"yes huh he was all like 'oh my bad'" i said in a deep voice mocking him as i giggled some more. "never that funny" dd mumbled.

"bro yes it was! how nigga scared and he towering over you," i exaggerated . "ma if i asked to go thru ya phone would you let me" he asked rasing his eyebrows.

"no" i said as i started walking to the nike store, i need some more sweat pants. "what the fuck why not" his voice cracked a little.

"i let you get my phone all the time" he said looking at me as we walked side by side. "true, but i don't go through your phone. look bae it's not that i'm hiding stuff from you, it's just certain things ion want you too see." i shrugged walking in.

"if you really care that much you can go through it while i shop in here deal" i said as he held the door. such a gentleman.

"ight bet that up" he nodded agreeing. i pulled my phone out my back pocket and handed it to him and he put the password in it.

i looked over his shoulder seeing what he was going through. he side eyed me suspiciously before dropping his arms to his side. "is it something you wanna tell me you seem a little anxious" he huffed.

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