Part 1

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There was a peaceful school named western shore highschool there was a particular student in there named [?]. She was a smart one and what u people call a "nerd".Although she was a nerd, Due to her intelligience she was pretty popular.However there was a student who was envious of her popularity her name was Amy Chester.Amy hated [?] with all her guts she wanted to be the center of attention not her so during lunch break Amy approached [?] table and slammed her head into the table.The students inside the room where shooked however they were afraid to defy Amy due to her boyfriend Hugh Davenports who is the Captain of the football team and what u label a "Jock" after a while a teacher barges in the classroom and stopped the bullying of Amy the room then suddenly began to fill with gas and soon after the students woke up in the gymnasium.They were all in a state of  confusion as how they got there one of the students exclaimed "Ahhh I lost my wallet" and soon the student who shouted rushed towards the door.However as soon as she was about to reach the door knob of the gymnasium a lifting hook violently burst into the gymnasium floor killing the students and so soon the students and teachers began to go in a state of panic one by one all of them died to the lifting hook and as soon the panic dies down the gymnasium floor starts quaking and outcome of the floor is a...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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