Funky Little Art Book Umpdate :)

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I'll be drawing art of both my ONE AU's now because I can. I will be getting to the the D.H requests but you can now ask about the C.B.W? AU too. (plz idk what to actually name it-) so yeah :b

Idk if I need to update the request page or not, I'll have a look but anyways here's a funky little C.B.W? Liam sketch preview. Not fully showing cause I want how he looks to be a surprise for later in the books when I show it but I'll let you know that I gave him actual hands 😲

 Not fully showing cause I want how he looks to be a surprise for later in the books when I show it but I'll let you know that I gave him actual hands 😲

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Anayeaways ham a good day.

D.H AU/C.B.W? AU Art Book (Requests Currently Closed) Where stories live. Discover now