Patton To the rescue! & purple is pretty cool 💜💙

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Patton's POV :

I couldn't see very well from my foggy glasses but my kiddo had collapsed! Without hesitation I rushed over to him unintentionally bumping into Roman and injuring my shoulder but I could see see that Virgil practically looked like a small kitty that got run over. I was so worried that I blurted out without thinking"

"If someone doesn't get me a pillow for his head I'll scream till you do!"

Thankfully I have a loud voice when I'm serious:D but back to the conversation.

I soon saw Roman shoot up like a rocket and passed me a pillow that I put under Virgil's head, but then I noticed something why was he so pale? I let the thought pass and popped water into my hand to give Tomas since with a face of shock and confusion I told him it was fine since he looked like he some needed reassurance.

Roman POV :

Out of pure rage I had set myself on attacking Virgil I do not know why I do but it happened and upon doing so earned a kick of my leg from shockingly Logan who would never hurt anyone unless he sees fit so I then yelled out still in anger

"This is no time for your legs it's time for my sword piercing through this useless embodiment of anxiety!"

I could then hear a stunned gasp come from Patton's mouth as I realize what I have said and freeze up unsure what to do I am then transported to my room via teleportation with a note that reads

-I'm not mad at you but your grounded >:( - Your angry dad

I sighed and put the note down getting into some Disney pjs and projecting Cinderella with a grumpy face which I hope won't give me wrinkles.

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