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Inside of a small room decorated with books, potion bottles, crystals, spell scrolls, and ingredients for spells and potions.

The windows had been covered with silk yellow  curtains to block out the sun causing the room to be only lit by torches that lined the walls and shelves.

Resting on the floor was a blue carpet with a white stripe going around it. A mage wearing a moon pale robe was trying to make his way around his messy room. he needed to find a crystal the color of phoenix fire. It was a rare crystal. Only accessible once a phoenix dies to become reborn again.

“Oh now where did I put that crystal? I know I have it somewhere…..” The wizard sung throwing random items across the room instead of just cleaning the area.

“Do you ever clean this place up when the queen isn’t about to come pay visit?” Tora groaned while dodging each item that had been thrown toward his direction. “I just need the payment. That’s all. “

The wizard thoughtfully picked up the crystal he required after seeing it hide under his latest written scroll. “Ah here it is. The Red Flame crystal. As per contract, you only one piece per completed request.” The wizard reminded him tossing him the small shard after having broken it off with an enchanted tool.

Glowering at him a bit, he caught the crystal with one hand. “Yeah Yeah. I am aware of the contract. I don’t need reminding. Will it this time? I don’t know how much longer I can take the pain from these damn things.” He growled staring into the shard as he held it up to the light.

“Well….I have one solution to make the process of this shard painless. But it will leave you weak for a while and since you’ll be leaving in the morning to capture the weaver girl, I would not recommend using this method.” The wizard, Araco answered while placing a hand on his chin in thought.

“I don’t’ care what it is, just do what you can to make it less painless." Tora informed while taking a seat on a chair that had been placed next to the wizard’s chemistry table. “I don’t want to stay here longer than I have to.”
“My queen.” Ivano greeted with tiredness in his voice while he knelt in front of her. “I received your letter and came as soon as I got it. What would you like to discuss with me?” The knight questioned.

Carefully she shut her book setting it down on her bed when she stood from her bed. “I wanted to speak to you about a very important mission. I am sending Tora off in the morning to bring back that disgusting weaver alive. I need you to go with him and make sure he gets the job done. I don’t need anymore repeats of last time.” She hissed with venom in her voice while she looked at her nails.

“Yes my queen. I understand but last time was an exception. They weren’t weavers. They were all Fyres. Younglings at that. They were just hungry.” He informed her, not even realizing she wasn’t even listening to him. “Do you realize how bad that would’ve made you look if Tora hadn’t stopped himself from hurting them?”

Lowering her hand to check her other one she peered at him a yawn escaping her mouth. “Hm? What was that dear? I was focused on something else. Why don’t you go and find Tora. He should be done getting his payment by now. I suggest you pack tonight first then rest. You both will have a long journey ahead of you before the sunrises.”

Hesitation overcame him for just a moment as he stood, his eyes darting from left to right for a few seconds as he thought. Did she not care about that incident? No, she must just be tired from dealing with weaver situation and keeping her subjects safe from her. “Yes your majesty……I will send word to one of our troops arriving here.”

“Good. Now leave me. I have to fix my hair again. It does not do well in this ridiculous weather.” She sighed when a few servants came in with a hairbrush, a ribbon, and a hairpin to place in her hair. “I must get this under control before the ball tonight.”

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