The Entity Meetup! (Pt. 2)

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(The double quote is Seek, the star thing is Jack, the up line is Hide, the squiggly line is Screech, and the Hashtag is Figure)

~Yeah, you're right.~ Screech blinked randomly.
Out of nowhere, someone threw a cup at Hide.
-Ouch! Who did that?- Hide was immediately alarmed.
#Wasn't me, my throws are more powerful then you assume.#
"Hey, don't look at me! I know I have arms, but since when do I throw stuff?"
*That was totally me, heheheh.*
Hide throws the cup back at Jack, which makes Jack a bit ticked off.
#Both of you stop before-#
-OH SHUT IT ALREADY, FIGURE!- Hide was too mad to listen to Figure.
Figure partially went fully silent over being yelled at, which is something they hate, especially with their really good hearing sense.
~Now, don't you think that was a bit messed up, Hide?~ Screech tried to calm Hide down.
Instead of calming him down, Screech made Hide more angry on accident.
Suddenly, Hide throws everything at everyone, which makes everyone else mad except for Figure.
Everyone is starting to throw things at eachother, until Figure 
#EVERYONE STOP!# Figure has to yell at full force, which makes everyone immediately stop, and drop something, if they were about to throw it.
#Your all being ridiculous! Can't we just talk things out?#
Everyone looks at eachother then looks down.

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