Chapter 2

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3rd Person POV

Cassius woke early in the morning, his head already buzzing with his itinerary for the day. He gazed lovingly at the woman sleeping next to him, her black hair strewn perfectly across her pillow, a slight crease of worry in her forehead. Despite knowing that she would want to be woken up, he decided not to wake her. Rest was more important for her right now than greeting the guests arriving for their upcoming coronation.

Careful not to disturb his wife, he prepared himself for the day ahead – brushing his teeth, combing his stubborn, snow-white hair, putting on his formal attire. He placed a kiss on Safania's forehead, pleased to see the wrinkle of concern temporarily disappear before he left their bedchamber.

In the hallway he found Emalina and Alton frantically tearing at each other, Emalina's head rolling back and Alton furiously kissing her neck. After a particularly long and low moan, Emalina's eyes opened just a crack, but enough to see Cassius watching them with raised eyebrows.

"Your majesty," Emalina gasped, twisting out of Alton's arms. Her cheeks flushed as she curtsied quickly. Alton bowed, too embarrassed to make eye contact.

Cassius smirked. "If you're trying to produce a playmate for my future child, by all means, don't let me stop you. Feel free to head back to your bedchamber. I can wait."

Alton coughed while Emalina turned even more crimson. "No, your majesty," Alton managed to say. "We were just waiting for you both to wake up a little carried away."

"Is Safania still getting ready? Should I go help?" Emalina asked, trying to steer the conversation away from them.

"No," Cassius answered. "She's sleeping. And I don't want her woken up until ten."

"Ten?" Emalina asked, her eyes widening at the King's command. "But...some of the guests are scheduled to arrive at nine. And it's going to take me at least an hour to get her ready once she wakes up."

"She had another nightmare," Alton realized.

Cassius nodded grimly. "Safania needs to sleep. I'd let her sleep all day if she wanted to, but with everything that has to happen for the coronation, I'm afraid she can only have until ten."

Emalina's eyes bounced between the two men, her forehead now sporting the same concerned line as Safania's. "Why won't she just let Maria help her sleep? This can't be good for her."

Cassius sighed. "An excellent question, Emalina. Maybe you can get through to her. I certainly haven't been able to."

Emalina nodded, then entered the bedchamber, leaving Alton and Cassius in the hallway. "How are you, your majesty?" Alton asked him gently.

It was an invitation to open up, to share his concerns, of which there were many. But the more Safania reverted back to her old ways of unyielding independence and reckless impulsivity, the more Cassius reverted back to his old ways of bottling up all his feelings and staying silent.

"Let's just focus on getting the coronation over with," Cassius said dismissively. "Come along."

Alton followed obediently, not pressing the issue any further. The two walked to the entryway of the castle, where a group of young elementalists were adorning every crevice with bright flowers.

"Good morning, your majesty," Fazia said, jogging over to Cassius and Alton. "Is it too much? I told the girls their training today would be decorating for the coronation and I think they got a little over-excited."

"It's wonderful, Fazia," Cassius assured her. "Safania is going to love it."

"Where is our queen anyway?" Fazia asked cheerfully. Her smile faded upon seeing Cassius's grimace. "Another nightmare?"

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