6. I Need Your Love Tonight

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Request: "Hii! I love your work! I always check on updates and here I have a request. So I got an idea for the title, one of Elvis' songs, 'I Need Your Love Tonight' and what happens is they go on like a cute beach date.(?) please and thank you if you make it. Love ya and ya work!"

So, . . .

IMAGINE: You and Elvis go a date at the beach.

IMAGINE: You and Elvis go a date at the beach

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The beach was always beautiful in the evening, you thought. It was the time of day when the sky would become an array of warm colors and the sun would begin to hide behind the horizon. Not as many people would visit the beach at night, either, which made it even better.

Elvis knew how much you loved the beach, so he decided to plan a date for the two of you there. When you found out what he had planned, you were overjoyed at his thoughtful idea.

You and Elvis were the only people in sight at the beach when you both arrived there later in the evening. It was perfectly peaceful—with no distractions except for the crashes of the ocean waves and the occasional squawking from seagulls overhead.

Elvis laid a beach towel down on the sand, along with a picnic basket containing a couple of snacks and drinks and a bottle of champagne. By the looks of it, he was trying his hardest to make this date as romantic as possible. . .and you couldn't help but think how sweet it was of him to do so; it warmed your heart.

"This is wonderful, Elvis. Thank you," you said once you both had situated yourselves on the towel.

"Anything for my gorgeous girl." Elvis popped open the champagne bottle and poured the sparkling liquid into two wine glasses. He handed you your drink and held his up in the air to propose a toast, "To you and me, Satnin. Forever and always."

"To us—forever and always," you replied, and clinked your glass against his, then proceeded to take a sip of the champagne.

It was at that very moment that both of your lips connected and began to move in sync as you both shared a passionate kiss; it felt as if sparks were flying around you. This night was truly magical.

The kisses you and Elvis shared barely gave you time to catch a breath, for you were so wrapped up in your love for him that you couldn't stop yourself from feeling his lips on yours. You set your glass down on the towel and wrapped your arms around Elvis' neck, bringing yourself even closer to his body as he continued to kiss you passionately.

Moments later, your lips parted from his, and you found yourself staring intently into his bright blue eyes. He smiled at you, and with his hand behind your head, he guided you to lay your head on his shoulder. You cuddled as close as you could to him while the two of you stared out at the breathtaking sunset out in the distance.

For a few moments, you just sat there, with your head on Elvis' shoulder, gazing out at the receding sun beyond the ocean. Then, Elvis stood up from the towel and took both of your hands in his. With the guidance of his hands, he led you up to the shoreline where the ocean waves were crashing onto the sand. But instead of remaining by his side, you started feeling playful and decided to dart down the beach.

"Hey, get back here!" Elvis called out from behind, chasing after you.

You turned your head slightly to look back at him, who was increasingly getting closer to you. But with a lighthearted laugh, you continued to dart ahead.

Eventually, you grew more tired and out of breath, which resulted in your running pace declining in speed. Of course, this gave Elvis an advantage; he caught up to you and snaked his arms around your waist from behind, lifting you up off your feet and spinning you around in circles. You squealed as he carried you over the ocean waves, and you laughed in delight when the waves crashed and splashed water over the both of you.

"Oh Elvis, I love you!" you cried out over the overpowering sound of the ocean waves, and jumped into his arms, latching your arms around his neck. "This is the best beach date I've ever been on!"

He laughed as he held you tightly. "I'm glad you've enjoyed it, baby. I love you too."

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I feel like this imagine isn't my best work. . .
Requests are still open, by the way. So, feel free to pm me and give me some new ideas to write!
As of now, I hope you enjoyed reading this and. . .
Happy 88th [Belated] Birthday, Elvis! 🎉⚡️

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