Chapter 21

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Music danced through the night sky. Moxy really did go all out for the celebration. It felt like forever since Lou had seen everyone with a smile on their face. Even better was that his presence didn't make that joy disappear. Every doll that passed by his way would give a bright smile. A few would shyly give their thanks. He'd saved them. He stood up for them.

Lou was leaning up against a building, content to just watch everyone enjoy themselves. His eyes found Nolan laughing with another doll that had decided to engage in a conversation. It seemed that the brunette was finally making some new friends. Now being known as one of the brave dolls that helped save the Institute.

"I'm surprised you ain't out there dancin'," Ox walked up with a drink in either hand, giving one to the blonde.

He took the drink graciously, not entirely sure what it was. "I'm saving the best for last. Don't wanna set the bar too high just yet." He watched the clear liquid quizzically, "What is this, by the way?"

Ox shrugged, "I picked up the fanciest thing I saw for ya. I'm drinkin' chocolate milk."

Lou scoffed, rolling his eyes with a smile, and took a sip. "I don't always have to be fancy, you know." Ox rose a brow. "But it is good," Lou laughed. "Did you get tired of being social?"

"Unlike you, I can hold a conversation for days. Nah, I just saw you lookin' lonely."

"I'm not lonely. I'm enjoying this," he gestured to the crowd. "Seeing everyone happy and not scared or...mad. It's really nice. I wish it had always been this way."

The bunny hummed. "Things woulda been a lot different if they had. But I like the way things turned out for us."

Lou thought before nodding slowly, "Me too. I...honestly can't say I'd go back and change anything if that meant I wouldn't have this moment right here." Even the heated decision of tossing the Ugly out would have prevented the other UglyDolls from ever finding the Institute. Ox saved a lot of lives by blocking that passage off.

"Neither would I." The two watched in comfortable silence as the music played. Dolls danced and conversed with each other. Everything was perfect.

A jovial pair of eyes jumped into his peripheral, "Watcha doing all the way over here?" Nolan didn't waste a moment to nonchalantly show off his new suit. A crisp, long-sleeved white shirt with a black vest and black dress pants. "It's not a party without everyone partying."

"I didn't want to steal your spotlight," Lou smirked. "You seemed to be enjoying being the center of attention for once."

"It's the suit," Nolan brushed his hands over it. "A real eye-catcher. Speaking of, you should be dancing with a certain someone already." He grabbed Lou by the hands to pull him toward the crowd.

"Woah, hold on! I'm fine just watching!" He tried pulling back. Something pushed him from behind.

Ox laughed as he helped Nolan, "Aw, c'mon. Ya never turn down a chance t' dance!"

Lou suddenly found himself in the center of the crowd where people were dancing. He was caught off-guard again when Nolan twirled him around by the hand. "You gotta loosen up! Just enjoy the fact that the world is falling apart right now."

"Right now?" Lou couldn't help but laugh. He fell into a simple rhythm with the brunette. "I hope it always stays like this."

For some reason, Nolan downcasted his gaze at that. His smile dropped momentarily, " too."

The blonde furrowed his brows, "What's wrong?"

A smile replaced the frown soon enough, but Lou could tell it wasn't as genuine as it had been before. "Nothing, everything's great. Let's just enjoy tonight."

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