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5am Corbyn woke up to a bad pain in his stomach. He was feeling nauseous so he decided to make his way to the bathroom. He felt like maybe he was going to throw up. Once he got to the bathroom hell broke loose and he knelt down over the toilet and puked his guts out for about an hour. When he was done he wiped his face and washed his hands and slowly made his way back to bed.

At 6am he quickly sat up but he instantly regretted it as a really sharp pain shot through his lower stomach and he haunched over the bed and puked again this time it only last 20 mins. Once he was finished he got up Grabbed a mop and a bucket of water and cleaned up his sick mess.

Meanwhile the others when in the kitchen making breakfast. They were really curious Where Corbyn was so they decided to go upstairs to his room. When they got there. They saw Corbyn puking his guts out again all over the floor. He was semi concious laying on the floor with a sick puddle around him.

Daniel screamed, Zach clapped a hand over his mouth and Jonah looked wide eyed at Corbyn on the ground, Jack was crying.  Corbyn was now unconscious laying lifeless on the floor. The guys decided to call an ambulance. Jonah waited patiently outside for them.

When the paramedics arrived Jonah showed them up to Corbyns room. They had a stretcher and other supplies with them. They put Corbyn on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance. Jonah was allowed to ride with Corbyn cuz he was his fiance. They finally arrived at the hospital and rushed Corbyn in to get checked. Corbyn was now awake.

He screamed as the pain in his lower abdomen grew worse. He clutched his the right side of his stomach and continued crying in agony. The doctors noticed him grabbing his right side of his lower stomach. They quicked got him checked they started pressing and feeling is stomach. Once they pressed the area where it hurt most.

Corbyn let out a loud scream and passed out. Yes it's his appendix, its potentially ruptured. We need to get him into surgery immediately. Idk how long he can last being in this much pain. He was now unconscious again.

Jonah was now waiting patiently in the waiting room with tears in his eyes. What if he doesn't make it he asks himself. He was now hyperventilating and loosing his breathe. His vision starting getting blury and he blacked out. When he waked up he was in a hospital bed with a IV in his hand.

Corbyn was now out of surgery. It went well, he was wheeled back to his bed. He saw Jonah in a bed next to him asleep. Corbyn started crying and crying. The doctors told him his fiance blacked out from hyperventilating. He was too worried about you. We need to keep and eye on him too.

Corbyn was now recovering and resting. Saying his stomach was very very sore. He wanted to touch his belly but he couldn't cuz of the stitches.

2 days passed and the boys could go home. They signed some papers and made their way home. Once they arrived home the others came out to give them big hugs. They had tears in their eyes. They were so happy Jonah and Corbyn were home.

//The End//

My first story I really hope u enjoyed it
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Good afternoon Luv y'all

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