Stomach Infection

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Corbyns POV

I woke up in a cold sweat. I instantly knew this wasn't going to be a good day. I felt my stomach churn uncomfortably and felt bile coming up my throat. I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom, knelt down on the ground and bent over the toilet and I threw up for at least 30 mins until I stopped and rested my head against the wall while clutching my stomach. It was still painfully churning and gurgling under my hand.

* 2 hours later *

He was laying on his bed when the familiar umfortable feeling of his stomach gurgling woke him and he ran back to the bathroom just as he started spilling his stomach contents into the toilet. He cried and cried, he was at home alone feeling awful as he kept throwing up for an hour straight without taking a break. He decides to call Jonah if he could come with some supplies and hugs.

*On the phone to Jonah*

Jjonah hhhelp I just threw up for an hour straight and I feel awful.

Come quickly please. I needd help!

*End of call*

Corbyn was now laying semi concious on the tiles holding his stomach.

Then he went unconious

Jonah finally arrived to his house and went upstairs. Corbyn! Corbyn! Corbyn!
He yelled. No answer. He yelled again, Still no answer. Ok he said as he walked into his bedroom and walked into his bathroom. Oh my fucking God he screamed. Corbyn was laying lifeless on the floor with blood surrounding him.

Jonah called 911 and waited for them to get to them.

When the paramedics got there they ran straight upstairs to where Corbyn was and layed him on a stretcher. They took him down to the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital with Jonah by his side the whole way. When they got there they rushed him in to the er and got him a room. They hooked him up to a IV drip and a heart monitor. They felt his stomach. "Oh god"one of the doctors said
His stomach is really swollen. We need to get a scan asap. They wheeled him into another room and got him a full abdominal scan. Once the results came back they were shocked to find a large infection blocking his intestines.

They wheeled him back to his room and he slowly regained conconiousness.

Corbyns POV

Wwait whattt where am I?
Oh god owwww my stomach kills

Oh hello Corbyn. I'm Doctor Sanchez
I'll be looking after you while your here.

You passed out in your bathroom and We came to take you here. Your stomach is really swollen. We found out why. You have a large infection blocking your large intestines. We need to do surgery to remove the infection.

Bud it'll be ok. You will live

Your boyfriend Jonah is here to see you. Do you want me to get him?

Yyyes please.

Ok I'll go get him :)

Jonah walked into the room and saw Corbyn laying on the bed with lots of tubes and machines around him.

"Oh my god" He said

Corbyn Are you ok?

Yes yes ill be ok babe

It's just a stomach infection which I need surgery for

Awww my poor babe. I'll be here for you
I love you so so much forever.

Babe awww I love you so much more
Thank you so much!

Doctor Sanchez told Jonah visiting time was up. So he went home. Thinking about his bf.

Meanwhile at the hospital
Corbyn was being taken into surgery
He was put under anaesthesia.

They operated on him for an hour until it was finished and Corbyn was taken back to his room. By the time he got back to his bed. He slowly woke up.

Wwwhat happened?!
*He starts crying*

Doctor Sanchez: You were in surgery now it's done. Do you feel any better?

Yes a little
Definitely more better than earlier

That's good to hear. Do you want some juice?

No no I'm ok Thank you for asking :)

He left Corbyn alone while he needed to do some paperwork.

*3 hours later*

Corbyns POV

Holy shit I feel so much better, I could dance lol.

Doctor Sanchez came back in
Hello Corbyn, how are you feeling?

I feel great thanks Doctor :)

That's amazing. I'm glad you feel better

You can leave now. You just need to sign some papers then u can go :) 

Yessss! Wooohooo Corbyn said in excitement :)

He signed the papers and went home to surprise his bf :)

Corbyn got home and walked inside

Jonah! Jonah! Jonah! Babe I'm home

Omg Corbyn babe I missed you so much
I was crying last night thinking about you.

Awwww jobear Everything went good
I'm better now. We can cuddle all you want and watch movies.

I love you a million jobear 

I love you more than that Corbs

*The End*

That was my second story for the series
Hopefully it wasn't boring
I'm trying my best to makes things enjoyable for my readers :)

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