Gone Forever-notti

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Rory Kate 14(Not proof read)__________Ever since notti died I haven't had the energy to do anything but stare at walls making my mind go blank I didn't know what if so anymore, well I didn't want to do anything with my boyfriend being Gone Forever

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Rory Kate
(Not proof read)
Ever since notti died I haven't had the energy to do anything but stare at walls making my mind go blank I didn't know what if so anymore, well I didn't want to do anything with my boyfriend being Gone Forever

I got knocked out my thoughts by a phone notification my phone hasn't went off in 2 weeks cause it stayed on dnd, since I was interested in what it was I picked my phone up seeing I had over 50 messages from my best friends dd and ddot, I think for the better of my mental health in order to get better I decided to just go see them in person since they was always together

I slipped out of my comfy bed almost falling over since I don't get out of my bed much but to do my health care routine and get back in bed I hadn't even ate in 2 weeks so now half of my clothes didn't fit me, but I found some tights that did and put on a cream colored crop top with a zip up jacket and my bubble slides

Took my hair out of the messy bun it was in, wet a brush and started to detangle my curls throwing them back into a messy bun grabbing mg phone and walking out my house walking down the street to dds

I knocked on the door and Jstar opened it I hugged him saying hi for a while then went upstairs hearing dd and ddot in the room, I opened and closed the door as I walked in making them look at me like they seen a goats
dd-omgggg Rory come here- he said opening his arms as much as I tried not to cry in front of them it worked but as soon as I got in dd arms I started to let it all put felling a tear hit my forehead, I looked up and they were both crying now we was all in a group hug comforting each other

It was now later in the afternoon and all of us were laying on the bed talking about memories we had with notti to make us fell some what better I had opened up to them a bit and told them I haven't ate in 2 weeks and they gave me some food and water
dd-Rory member that time almost burnt the house down trying to cook some fucking noddles
Rory-hell yeah man that shit was funny ass hell- I said laughing a little I had got tired so I got up under the cover laying horizontal on the bed listening to the storied the boys told finally going to sleep in comfort hopping I didn't wake back up

I was hopping that notti was happy up there seeing that dd and ddot were taking care of me trying to get me to mentally and physically fell better. And they're both continuing music and got signed knowing that he would want that


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