The move

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You had just gotten off a cramped overheated 4
hour bus ride to Hawkins Indiana on a Sunday
afternoon, you got your suitcase from under the
hatch and wheel your suitcase around. You search
around for your Uncle Rick who was supposed to
pick you up from the bus station. You hadn't seen
him since you were 13 when you moved with
your parents.

You see him smoking leaned up
against a pole watching around for you. "Uncle
Rick!" you call out to him and he sees you and
comes over"hey kiddo, ready to go?" he says
while ruffling your hair, you smile and nod and
you two walk to his car and he drives back to his
As you arrive you see a van parked in the

"who is that?" you ask and look at Rick,

"Oh that's just Eddie.. stay here while i talk with
him" he replies and you nod staying put the name
sounded familiar. You see a man with dark long
hair who looked familiar too .

You watch as this
"Eddie' slips your uncle cash and your uncle slips
him a bag, "what was that?" you think.

As you continue to watch them talk Eddie
catches you staring at him and grins at you and
looks at your uncle talking but you can't hear
what they're saying.

"Who's that?" Eddie said to
Rick while glancing over at you,

"that's my nieceyIn, why?"Rick said,

"huh? oh. no reason.".

talk and you sit there bored. You see Eddie wave
to you with a small wink as he gets into his van,
you wave back a little watching him drive away
and you don't know why you're so flustered.
You get out and take your stuff inside and up to
your room, you start unpacking and decorating a
little to make it more your own.

"Hey y/n" your uncle called from downstairs,

"ya?" you replied while walking downstairs

"are you hungry? I can
order a pizza" he asked you nodded with a smile

and you two ordered pizza.
After eating you got ready for bed when your
uncle came in,

"y/n I have to work tomorrow
morning so I can't drop you off at school but i'm
having that Eddie kid pick you up is that okay?"
he asked,

"uh.. ya sure"

he nods says goodnight
and goes to bed. You were nervous because you
didn't know him but if Rick trusted him then you
could too. As you finished getting settled and
ready for bed you tiredly plugged the alarm clock
in forgetting to set the actual alarm and you fell

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