characters and roles/rank

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A/N: I realized that I really didn't give y'all descriptions of the characters and how they look so here are detailed descriptions of the characters:)└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪ (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

So here is a run down of Haileys little group and what they call themselves . Hailey's group they call themselves the badkidd group and alot of the teens are in the groups and basically they are all friends in that group and they can trust each other with anything even their lives. They don't let anyone join the group. So when badkidd is in their description just means that they are in the badkidd group

For the newly developing plot I have decided to change some of the players so some of the players are in a group of  kids at an opposing school and they are called the playboi group and most of them are going to turn into badkidds in the future but for right now they are being called playbois

Rachel chun-Rodriguez .beta female. daughters Hailey chun-Rodriguez. 39 . Hispanic. Mexican. Speaks Spanish and English.

Victor chun-Rodriguez

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Victor chun-Rodriguez. 40. daughter Hailey chun-Rodriguez . Beta male. Korean. Speaks Korean and English.

Hailey chun-Rodriguez

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Hailey chun-Rodriguez. 17. Mexican And Korean. Trilingual. Speaks Spanish, Korean, and English. .has braces Rejected by mates.  Hispanic. YouTuber. Hated by her old pack.hignschool. parkour.


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