Chapter Five

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Breaking up with the love of my life was hard as fuck but it had to be done I couldn't keep letting her treat me any kind of way & on top of that Jeffery was taking her to Paris so they could fix things let them do that I don't care anymore plus I...

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Breaking up with the love of my life was hard as fuck but it had to be done I couldn't keep letting her treat me any kind of way & on top of that Jeffery was taking her to Paris so they could fix things let them do that I don't care anymore plus I had bigger things to deal with.

My brother Marcus was getting out of Rehab today & I needed to figure out what to do about it because Candice was right he couldn't live with me knowing we both use to be addicts.

I waited outside the rehab center wondering if he looked different, if he was actually clean or was this just another pit stop.

"Sis" I heard my brother say walking toward me looking wonderful & healthy.

I ran to him jumping in his arms

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I ran to him jumping in his arms.

"Damn sis you are heavy" He said putting me down.

"Shut up big head I missed you man"

"I missed you too Bean head, you stay eating huh?"

"Nigga please I can't help it my woman well ex woman liked meat on my bones"

He chuckled, "Please ok my women like me to be a little skinny"

I shook my head laughing at him, we walked to the car & got in.

"So we going to yo house?" He asked me.

"Umm Marcus I don't think you can stay with me"

"What why?" He asked raising a eyebrow at me.

"Because two ex addicts living together is not healthy plus what if you start doing drugs again, that damn near killed me the last time because you wouldn't stop."

"I know Sis but Morgan believe me I am trying this time, the last time I almost died I dont want to be like momma or daddy."

I gave him a sympathetic look, "I don't know maybe just for a few days, but a few rules you have to find a job, no over night guest for right now & no hanging out with your old crew."

"Done" He said sounding confident.

I nodded & we arrived to my house a short time later, we walked inside sitting down on the couch.

Morgan {Short Story} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now