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Song of the Chapter- Faithfully by Journey

I wake up the next morning with a brown, glass beer bottle by my feet, my shirt stained and wrinkled, accompanied by a throbbing headache.

And yet, the first thing on my mind isn't 'shoot, this hurts like hell' it's 'Holiday Montgomery'.

She was on my mind all last night, which led to an emotional night of anger, frustration and confused feelings.

I yelled at Jacob purely out of a hormonal outburst. I mean, who cares if he wants Holiday, right?

It's not like I love the woman. After all, she is right. That night was supposed to be for fun, for experience, for pretend.

And yet, I still can't get her off my busy mind.

I stand up with a groan, holding my aching forehead. I feel so sick that any second last night's pizza might make a reappearance. Which, I am highly against.

I throw away the bottle and decide to make my way to my bathroom, pulling on my blonde hair that is standing straight up in random places because of the gel I didn't wash out last night.


I step inside the shower and let the cold water wake up my heated skin and barely functioning system.

I close my eyes and sit down, leaning against the cold, marble wall as the jets of water splash against my chest like a water hose.

It feels amazing and terrible all at the same time.

My thoughts sway back to her. How am I supposed to decide in just a few hours if I am going to pursue a girl I barely know?

Sure, we met in high school, and had a night of fun. But I don't even know her middle name.

After what seems like hours of just sitting in a wet, marble and glass box I decide to get out.

I step out and change into basketball shorts, leaving my hair to dry naturally on it's own. It's not like it's my biggest problem right now.

I walk lazily out of my room and into the conjoining kitchen. But before I can even open the cabinet to get out some cereal, a loud knock echoes through my flat.

I grumble as I walk over to the door and open it, spotting red hair.

I close my eyes and groan with a sarcastic tone, "Not you again."

I open my eyes quickly as soon as I hear sobs escape from her mouth.

I stare at her for a moment before I take her trembling body into my arms. I don't even know why I choose to do that, I guess it just feels like the natural thing to do at the moment.

I pull her inside and close the door so her obnoxious cries spread through my, at one time, silent flat.

I lead her over to the couch and sit her down. I feel like I have just found a lost puppy, like, I don't even like dogs, how am I supposed to take care of one?

Yeah, but she's special to you.

I hate it, but I agree with myself. It hurts me to see a broken heart, especially of a girl I think I have feelings for.

"Uh, Holiday? Are you okay?" I ask, hesitantly sitting down beside her in the most awkward manner known to man.

She shakes her head, sniffling to hold back more tears, "He's dead, Parker. My father, he's dead. I am so sorry, I shouldn't have just barged into your home like this. A big, ugly, sobbing mes-"

"Holiday," I interrupt, pulling on her chin so that her eyes meet mine, "It's okay."

She nods and her lip trembles as she glances away. She looks so broken, like a cracked china doll. Her eyes, which are usually a gorgeous green, are dull and dark. Her red hair doesn't shine, but instead just hangs unwashed and tangled in a terrible excuse for a ponytail.

Though, this isn't the best time to be judging her.

I stand up and walk to the kitchen, her eyes stay locked on the window in the main room, a few dark storm clouds begin to hover over our little town.

Great, now I feel obligated to do something cliché. I mean, my whole world is screaming 'cliché' right now anyway.

I go boil a pot of hot water, pour some into a mug and then place a jasmine tea packet through the steamy vapor and into the water.

I walk back in to see her sitting in the same position, but now her back is scrunched over in what looks like a defeated athlete at the Olympics.

I sit down beside her and clear my throat, her head slowly raises and her eyes catch mine before she looks at the light blue mug in my hand.

"I made some tea for you. I thought it might make you feel better, seeing as I drink it when I'm feeling...down?" I speak up, though it came out as more of a questioning of myself.

She nods her head, and takes the cup from my hand, taking a short sip.

I lay back against my couch and close my eyes, letting out a quiet sigh.

"Do you want to talk about him?" I ask, feeling like I needed to start up a conversation.

She leans back and takes another sip of tea, sniffling back her tears, "Yeah. I kind of do. But, I know you don't really care, so I won't waste my air."

I frown and look towards her, "Who said I didn't care?"

She shrugs, tracing the top of the mug with her finger, "I know you don't care for me that much. I know I'm annoying, with all my past problems and 'love em' and leave em'' attitude. But, I just came here thinking this was the one place I felt safe and comforted. Even if you wouldn't give it too me, I still feel it just being around you."

I can't help but slightly smirk at that. She felt safe with me, and that's all that mattered.

"I want you to feel safe with me, always. And Holiday," I say, cupping her face in my hands, "don't you dare say I don't care about you. We have a connection now that I think can turn into something good. Like, maybe even friends?"

She smiles and nods, quickly wrapping her arms around my neck and snuggling into my chest.

"I would love to be your friend, Parker." She whispers in my ear, without any seductive motive.

I nod and wrap my arms tightly around her small form and hold her. We didn't need a turn on, we didn't need to snog each other's faces off, we just needed to hold each other.

Because every time we would hold each other, we were healing each other.

There was no logical explanation, except for the simple fact that I was the ointment and she was the Band-Aid.

Chapter Status: Edited [] Unedited [X]

So, life happened. I didn't update last Friday like I thought I would oops. This month has been full of exams for me, #studentprobs. I cannot wait for the next update, soo much drama that is just gonna pull on them heartstrings!!

Look for the update, vote, comment, you know the drill ;)


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