⛓Ch. 8: Extracurricular Activities (P. 1)

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i started my junior year of art college so bare with me😭 i'm trying my hardest to update at least once or twice a weekend from now on!
i have a new therapist who's very young, hot, and told me i'm different from the others and so unique and intelligent so pray for me that something happens between him and i 😏😫

For a moment I stand dumbfounded, him waiting for me to enter my home.

"Right... " I drag out the word, as if this situation is normal.

My mind is so jam packed with flooding thoughts and anxiety that I don't even know where to start.

"You seem nervous." Yoongi lazily sits back down on my black couch and takes a sip of his drink, "Why?" He asks with a blank expression.

I cock my head to the side, "Is that my whiskey?"

He holds up the short crystal glass full of my Knob Creek Bourbon Whiskey that was a painful fifty dollars but well worth it.

Well, just not worth it right now

"You're the smartest in your grade and nearly the whole school so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you have a keen eye for alcohol. Although I didn't really expect someone like you to be drinking underaged." He smirks, finishing off his glass and standing to pour another.

"That was expensive." I huff, trailing after him into the kitchen, "And why are you acting like this is your house?" 

"Does the school know you act so differently outside of class?" He eyes me, referring to my tone.

I cross my arms and bite my bottom lip in contemplation while taking a moment to calm down and think rationally - something I almost never do.

I spot my grinder and weed on the kitchen table, right across from Yoongi's glass that he's refilling to his heart's content. Across the kitchen on another counter is my handgun, a weapon I only have for my personal safety as a woman living alone. And last but definitely not least -

"Red lace?" Yoongi picks up my fancy underwear from my clean clothes basket sitting on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Hey!" I snatch it out of his hands, "Do you have any manners?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Manners? I'm not the one who left every illegal thing out in plain sight for a classmate to see." He scoffs, facing me with those dark eyes that make my skin crawl.

He pushes his glasses back up while sipping his second drink, waiting for me to say something.

I rub the back of my neck and laugh sarcastically, "Right, my apologies. It's not like you invited yourself over and then quite literally let yourself inside of my house or anything." I cross my arms, feeling myself start to spiral since now two people know my illegal activity - one way more than the other.

"Teach me how to shoot sometime and I'll let it go."

Why am I so okay with what's going on?!

I snort, "You want me to teach you how to use a handgun?"

"Maybe I just want to see how good the school's princess is at it." He leans in, next to my ear, "How tight your grip is." His raspy voice sends a shiver down my spine.

"I have a taser, too," I push his chest back with my index finger. "Don't make me have to show you how I use that as well."

"Interesting." He takes a seat at the kitchen table, eyeing my weed, "You're very interesting... and stop being so nervous." He grabs my grinder and a bud and starts getting to work to roll a joint up for himself.

I take a seat and roll my eyes, "You suck at rolling. How about this," I place my hand out in a 'gimme' motion and he hands off the paper and grinder to me, "I'll roll us some perfect joints but whatever you find out while here, you keep it to yourself. Deal?" I start to lay out the weed on the two papers on the table.

I know he's smart enough to stay quiet, I probably didn't even need to ask. All he does in class so far is mind his business so my anxiety has settled and I feel almost comfortable around him. Maybe because he didn't make a huge deal out of it as if he's used to seeing this type of stuff.

Just not from me.

"Deal." He leans back and gets comfy in his seat.

He watches in interest as I lick the paper, tightly rolling it between my fingers and I check the filter I put in the front before handing it off to him and grabbing my lighter from my pocket.

"You weren't going to tell anyone anyways, were you?"

He nods, "None of my business what you do in your free time." He places the tip of the joint between his lips and I light it up for him, puffs of smoke coming from his mouth a moment later.

I sigh and begin rolling my own up, "Maybe I'm just overly stressed and have hit a point but I feel too calm right now for my liking. Or maybe you're just a trustworthy person, sure didn't seem like it in class though." I laugh a bit while finishing my joint.

"Because I am. You're also more fun already outside of class, wish other students were like this and lived a little." 

Smoke fills the air around us as we both let out puffs, the scent of my lovely marijuana dancing through the air as my body feels tingly.

"We were supposed to study." I smile, realizing how fucking insane this situation is and that I'm too damn relaxed.

"I didn't come here to study, I think we both know that." Yoongi looks to me and takes off his glasses while running a hand through his dark hair.

"Oh, I know." I take another long drag of smoke with a smirk.

sorry this is short compared to other chapters, it was just so tempting to leave it on a cliff hanger😫

ill post part two tomorrow since im not evil

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