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I wake up, feeling worse than I did when I fell asleep, with Harry clinging to me and JJ passed out at the bottom of the room with a phone in his hand.

Fuck, what a hangover we were all gonna have. And most of us hadn't even made it home yet.

My head was pounding and my throats never been so sore from all the screaming and shouting I did last night.

My phone was blowing up, thousands of insta comments on a picture of me and Harry i posted before the party.

I had many new followers thanks to ethans video on his story. And I think someone else posted something of us. Maybe vik? I can't remember.

I scroll through the comments. Most being about ethans story, some saying how nice my dress is. A couple asking about Harry's ex, Katie.

"Whatcha doing?" Harry grunts rubbing his eyes.

"Just scrolling through my insta comments, people are really going crazy over us"

He grabs my phone and starts reading the comments.

"Fuck this is making my headache worse. I'm gonna go get breakfast"

"Hate to burst your bubble but we aren't home yet dickhead" I laugh.

He looks around the room looking confused.

"Shit we really arent"

"No shit, I literally just said that" I said flicking his ear.

We hear a grunt come from JJ

"The fuck! What's he doing here with us?"

"He's been passed out since I woke up, and I can't remember how we ended up in here. Nevermind how he did"

"Let me call a taxi" Harry says sitting down on the bed.

"Or just get an uber, God you are old"

"Excuse me, your only a year younger!"

"Yeah but who spends 40 minutes waiting for a taxi when you can wait 10 for an uber!"

"Josh does! Shit your right I am old" he laughs.

I sit up and open snapchat to see what I look like.

Horrifying of course.


We made it home safe, apart from Harry falling out the uber and dragging me with him .

"Your such a prick"

"A prick your dating!" He said helping Me up.

I made my way to the door, wich was llready unlocked. I assumed the cals had made it home and hopefully hadn't done anything stupid.

We walked inside seeing the two filming some sort of video.

They explained they were doing a hungover Q and A, and that me and Harry could join if we liked.

We agreed and sat down next to them both.

"The stupidest thing you've done while drunk" freezy asks.

"Shit, don't even get me started on that one" I sigh.

Harry nods dreading the answers we were all going to come out with.

"Probably the time me and my friend went skinny dipping in the hotel pool. Asked the waiter to give us a hand out the pool, Then pulled the waiter in with us, we got charged €200 that night" I said laughing, remembering the waiters face.

"Really? Harry you've got your hands full with this one!"

"Tell me about it" He shook his head.

I flicked his ear in retaliation, waiting for his response.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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