Chapter One • No more Baldo

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Baldi was just finishing up in his classroom getting done marking the last of his students papers. They were all A+'s, which meant he was doing something right. Either his students were highly motivated or they were just scared of what would happen if they got a question wrong.

Baldi was known to be a bit... Harsh, on students having difficulties in his class. Seeing the good grades of his class put him in a great mood. His rosy red lips spread open in a grin.

He was going to go home and enjoy a nice bubble bath and congratulate himself on a job well done. Once he was finished with the last paper he looked up from his work to find a student lingering behind, she still held her homework in her hands.

Baldi sighed and went over to the girl.

"Class is over, and that paper is due. If you don't pass it in right now you'll get a zero" Baldi said sternly. The girl still held the paper tight in her hands, but relented and handed the paper over.

She dashed out the classroom, leaving Baldi to grade this last paper of the day. Baldi sat back down at his desk and skimmed through the paper.

'Ok... So far so good' he thought, but then he turned the page to the back. Where the girl made a HUGE mistake and did addition instead of multiplication. She should have known better...

Disappointed, Baldi stood up. He walked out the door, and remembering which way she went he followed that way with his ruler in his hand. She couldnt have gone far, so he slapped his ruler on his palm tauntingly. Every step he took he slapped the ruler on his palm with a steady rhythm. He was going to teach that girl a lesson, it was his duty as a teacher to make sure his students succeed. If he needs to instill some fear in his students and be the bad guy in order to do that then he has no problem doing that.

He slapped the ruler again, this time harder.

He heard someone clear their throat behind him. Turning around he saw no other than... His boss. The principle.

"Hello Baldi. What may I ask what you're still doing here? I assume you got all your work done for the day seeing as you've left your classroom?" The principle said with a raised eyebrow. He was always on Baldi's case, it seemed Baldi could never avoid running into his boss in the hallways- well not running since that would get him in trouble, and he knew better than to break the rules in front of his boss.

"Uh... Right, well you see I was just about to go home but I just remembered some unfinished business in the break room... I forgot my... Pencil?" Baldi said with a question, he was not sure if that was a convincing argument but he hoped so. If his boss found out how he disciplines his students he would be in big trouble, he could even get fired. Hes not exactly following the rules, and Baldi knew how much of a stickler his boss was.

The principle nodded thoughtfully, seeming to have accepted his excuse. "Hmm, I guess that makes sense, you must be very stressed that you're starting to forget things. Let me walk you to the break room, we'll get your pencil then you can go home for the day." Baldi internally sighed. His student was probably long gone for now, he'll have to punish her tomorrow, if he doesnt forget by then.

Baldi was not one for social interaction, and this was his boss as well. He could not mess this up. Whenever he had to interact with the principle be tried his best to put on his best attitude.

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness sir, but you dont have to go out of your way for me" Baldi said, hoping the principle would just leave him alone.

"Oh its no bother for me, I was just heading to the break room myself for a cup of tea! I'm always here late you see and I always crave a cup of tea after work."

Baldi nodded, and they continued walking in silence. Until they reached the break room which was locked shut.

The principle took out his key and unlocked it, motioning for Baldi to go in first.

"Ladies first" the principle joked, and Baldi didnt say anything to that but went in first. When baldi was younger and still had a full head of hair people did mistake him for a girl because of his full set of lips.

"Listen Baldi..." The principle walked through the door, and into the dark break room. He didnt go to turn on the lights rather he turned around and locked the door behind him. This put Baldi on high alert.

"I know you were lying about that pencil and I'm aware of what you do to the students in your class"

Baldi began sweating.

"You know that its against the rules to physically harm our students, even though many of the students have improved on their grades while in your class. I can't say I'm impressed" the principle lectured, and neared closer to Baldi.

"Look sir, I'm sorry really I am, its just the way I grew up, its a more traditional way of teaching but its something I found that works. Without scaring the students they would never listen or take me seriously. When they grow up... They'll thank me" Baldi said, trying to justify what he does.

"Baldi, you must know by now I'm very strict with the rules. And what you do is not only morally wrong, but also against the rules. Once again just in case you didnt hear me, you broke the rules." He continued with his lecture. Baldi nodded his head frantically.

"Yes, I hear you perfectly clear sir. It wont happen again." Baldi did not mean this, and the principle knew that.

"No Baldi. Thats not good enough." The principle got closer to Baldi, he got in his personal space, leaned down so he was right close to his ear.

"You're going to have to prove to me that you're a changed man" he whispered in his ear. Baldi shivered by this, he has never been more humiliated in his life, but he was secretly enjoying this. The principle smirked, and was tempted to take things a bit further before he told Baldi the rest of the bad news.

He was tempted to tell Baldi to get on his knees and break the secret rule that you shouldn't sleep with your subordinates. It would be far too much of a power difference, the Principle had the authority to tell Baldi to do anything he wanted if Baldi was desperate enough to keep his job. But the principle was much above that.

He leaned back from Baldi, to start giving him some distance. He could see the longing in Baldis eyes. Its pretty funny considering the principle knew if he had asked Baldi would say hes 100% straight.

"Baldi" the principle said in his usual drab tone of voice.


"You're suspended. Until you show me you're ready to change." The principle stated firmly, not willing to compromise.

"B-but I said"

"Dont make me repeat myself Baldi."

"Yes sir..." Baldi said with his head hung low.

Suspension for You (Baldi x Principal) Where stories live. Discover now