Part 4

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"Kenny you got me my favorite tunes" Logan says as he heard the music that was playing right now in the room and he saw Kendall had brought some of the candles into the room as well to help set the mood and help him with his labor as well cause he might be having the babies soon

"Yes Logie I did I got all of your favorites cause you are going to need it" Kendall says as they shared a kiss as well cause

Logan smiles after they shared a kiss and he was going to continue to bounce on the labor ball as well cause he wanted to get labor to progress as well and he was going to be doing some exercises as well to help labor progress as well cause he wanted this to be over with as well cause he hated to have this go for twenty four hours and if it did he was going to cave and go for the c section to have the babies as well and if the heartbeats drop he was going to go the safest route possible to have the babies cause he did not want to risk his life and their life as well too

"Well we might as well get this show on the road and have a baby" Logan says as he was going to get started bouncing on the labor ball a little bit to get the process started cause I am not going to have much medicine in me I want to do things natural then go from there" Logan says as he was going to bounce on the labor ball as much as he could before he got tired of it and he was going to do something else and he was going to get the process going his own way before they start the meds on him to kickstart labor cause he didn't want the medicine unless  it was needed

Kendall was going to start some fighting words with Logan hoping it will help cause the other thing got them into this mess, so if he starts some arguing it will help Logan with his labor as well cause that was a natural way to get labor started cause Kendall was going to get some spicy things for Logan to have as well cause Logan wanted a quick labor this round and he wanted to get some sleep as well too cause this was going to be quite the marathon for him and Kendall had to keep Logan energized as much as possible as well too

"Kenny don't argue with me too much cause that is going to speed labor up and I don't think I want it to be too fast for my liking" Logan tells him cause he wanted his labor to go at a decent pace as well for him cause if it goes too fast he won't be able to rest as much as he would like too cause he wanted to get plenty of sleep between contractions as well cause he had to prepare himself physically and emotionally to do this cause in reality he was not ready at all for this part at all

Kendall knew he had to do the bare minimal right now to help Logan get through this stage of his labor cause if it goes too fast Logan will be really mad at him and he was going to be in the doghouse when they got home as well

"Logan I won't make you really mad unless you ask for it and I got my guitar too in case you want some more music to listen to as you go through your labor" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan right now as Logan was getting into mind set as he was going to deal with the contractions as well too cause this was going to be one roller coaster ride of a labor and delivery he is going have to go through as well

"Thanks Kenny just keep me calm cool and collected right now but when I need that edge you can tell me something that is really going to make me mad" Logan tells him as he was going to get comfortable right now cause he wanted to have a real easy labor as well and that was going to be easy as well

"That I can do they have a gym here that is used to help with labor and after delivery as well so you want to go and walk around the track or on the treadmill cause that we can do together as well to help get the process moving and on the treadmill we can go for a jog if you want Logie to help get the process started" Kendall says as he remembers what the maternity ward has to help mothers with their labor and of course their delivery as well cause some have troubles from the start and they take forever to recover

"Yeah we could go for a walk around the track to help get the process started cause I don't want the medication right away to help get the process started I want to do this the natural way if I can Kenny and I want the medicine only if it gets to be too much for me and I can't take it anymore either and I want that relief right away, and I want to be able to get some sleep here too cause this is going to take me out and I want to save some of my strength for the delivery cause that is going to take everything I have as well" Logan says as they were heading for the gym for a little workout session to get labor started a little better the what it was cause Logan was not having any contractions at all and he wanted to have labor start the natural way instead by medicine cause he wanted to get the epidural cause the pain was going to be too much on him and he wanted to sleep as well to save his strength for the birth cause that was going to be a marathon cause labor was going to be a marathon as well, so Logan was going to be doing two races almost right after another as well and it was going to be a intense day

"Anything you say Logie if you want to wait for medication you can wait and let nature take it's course then if it's get too bad then you can get the medicine that you need to help you I hate to see you go through this too long without any help to help you" Kendall says as he was talking to Logan cause Logan was going to hit the treadmill first and he was going to go for a jog to see if that helps anything and gets the process going as well cause he wanted to get this over with as well cause if he has problems he was going to need to have a c-section as well to have the baby too

Logan was able to jog two miles before labor started to kick in and Kendall moved him up to labor and delivery and Logan was going to jog the whole time as well so he could get labor to progress as well cause he was going at a good pace right now as well which he was really shocked with

More will come when there isn't any problems or I don't work either or I am tired from the day in general too or busy weekend

Part 5 will come hopefully

Happy Holidays everyone

Merry Christmas everyone

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