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"I hate you Hope Mikaelson!" was the last thing Josie said before storming off and leaving a sad Hope behind.

Anyway before we get to the good part let's start from the beginning shall we?

Here was Josette Olivia Saltzman the Salvatore boarding school's it girl. To everyone she was the perfect girl. Mainly because her dad was the owner of the school, but she was mainly popular because of her girlfriend Penelope Park. Penelope and Josie were the schools it couple everyone loved them and wanted to have what they had. They were the schools perfect couple and they loved each other very much. Which is why Penelope is throwing Josie and her twin sister Lizzie this party.

"Sooo... Lizzie what do you think of Penelope's idea of throwing us this party?" Josie asks as she is picking out the dress she is going to wear later.

"Umm... I still hate her Jo." Lizzie admits. "I feel like she's bad news. I don't know what it is but there is something off about her Jo." Lizzie said as she finally turns around with a baby blue dress in front of her body.

"Oh come on Liz. She's not bad you're just overthinking everything. Penelope is a good person and she loves me even though she hasn't said it yet I know she does." Josie says as she stops looking at the dresses. "Can't you just be supportive of us just for today?" Josie pouts.

"Ugh... I hate it when you pout fine I'll be on my best behavior but if she so far as hurts you today I will not hesitate to burn her ass." Lizzie rolls her eyes as she picks up the black shirt dress and hands it to Josie. "This one will be perfect. It will totally make Penelope drool over you." Josie rolled her eyes and put the dress to the side.

"Thank you Liz. I love you." She said as she hugged Lizzie.

"I love you too Jo, but let's hurry up and go help those idiots set up because we both know your minions will mess everything up." Lizzie said as she pulled back from the hug.

"They're not idiots Lizzie they are my friends and you can be friends with them too if you wouldn't be mean to them all the time." Josie crossed her arms.

"Ew. Why would I want to be friends with two dogs and two kiss asses." Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"Ugh whatever let's go it's getting late." Josie said as she exited their room.

"Happy birthday to my favorite Saltzman ever." Jade and Alyssa said as they both went to hug Josie. Lizzie just rolled her eyes and went to go yell at Jed and Raf because they where doing everything wrong.

"Aww thank you guys." Josie hugged them back. "So where is Penelope?" Josie asked as she didn't see her around.

"Oh you know Jo she's probably off getting ready trying to impress you for your big day." Alyssa reassured.

"Yeah right anyway let's get planning before Lizzie rips off Rafael and Jed's heads." Josie chuckled as she saw Lizzie yelling at them again for not keeping the banner straight.

After 2 hours of Lizzie yelling at everyone and Josie trying to calm her down they where finally done. Josie put on her black dress and heels. She turned to the mirror and admired how the dress looked. She really hoped everything would got right tonight.

"Lizzie hurry up we are going to be late." Josie yelled as she knocked on the door.

"I'm going!" She yelled as she opened the door revealing Lizzie in a nice baby blue dress that made her eyes pop.

"You look very pretty Lizzie."

"Why thank you. You look amazing Jo. I'm sure the she devil will love this." Lizzie said before grabbing her purse. Josie rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Let's go we don't want to be late to our own party do we now?" Josie said before leaving out.

"Oh wow Jo thanks for waiting for me." Lizzie yelled as she saw Josie walk away.

Josie had arrived to where the party was at, she waited for Lizzie so they can both go down together.

"You ready?" Lizzie asked as she finally caught up to the brunette.

"Always." Josie smiled as she linked their arms together to walk down the stairs.

They walked halfway down until they were stopped by Penelope in an all black short dress as well. She smiled at the blonde and then turned her attention to Josie.

"You look beautiful Jo." She said as she admired Josie.

Josie blushed at the comment.

"You don't look to bad your self Pen." She said as she pecked Penelope on the lips.

Lizzie gagged as she saw all of this go down.

Penelope rolled her eyes. "Lizzie hey happy birthday it's so great to see you." She fake smiled.

"Can't say the same to you." Lizzie smiled. "Anyway if you'll excuse me I have a party to be at and I would much rather be there then be with the she devil." Lizzie said as she gave Jo one mad hug. "Be careful Jo." Lizzie said before she went to go look for a drink.

"So shall we babe?" Penelope said as she held out her arm.

"Yeah lets go." Josie linked their arms and joined her friends at the bottom.

After the Saltzman twins party everything had been going well for Josie. She was happy with Penelope, her graders were good and her and Lizzie were finally on the same page about Penelope. Well Lizzie was still against it but for Josie's happiness she supported it. Anyway here was Josie on the last day of school with Alyssa talking about what they were going to do for the summer.

"I think we should go to the country club it'd be fun." Josie suggested as they walked to class.

"That sounds like a good idea Jo. We should totally go." Alyssa responded. They kept on walking until Josie saw everyone staring at her.

"Is it me or is everyone looking at me?" Josie asked.

"Umm Josie look." Alyssa said as she showed Josie her phone.

Josie felt her heart break and she felt like everything went quiet. Why would this happen to her?

A/N: So what did you guys think of the first chapter. Hope will be introduced in the next or next two chapters. :) anyway ty for reading and let me know your thoughts about this story

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