The Beginning part 1

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A girl was walking through the woods near her house she was making her way back home after a hunt her name was Snow. She was a 19 year old girl her mom give her that name because her skin was as pale as snow falling over the ground and grass during the winter time and her hair was as dark as the night sky. But she was not like any  other girl or kid her age she was a vampire and so was her family because of this her family had to move a couple of times but every single time she would do something that would get her in danger and her family. But as Snow grow older she started to make less of those mistakes and realize the danger she could be putting her family in so now she was more careful when she want out on her hunts her family and her included didn't need to drink blood to survive but sometimes she liked the taste of it as she got back to the house she walked in as quietly as possible even though all there senses where heightened. She heard her mom come down the staircase you want hunting again didn't you her mom said she looked annoyed yes I did so what she snapped back her mom looked at her giving her a look that meant you better have been careful her mom paused for a moment before asking did anyone see you. Snow wanted so badly to roll her eyes but she know better then to anger her mom right now so instead she told her no mom I was careful don't worry I am not a child anymore I am 19 now her mom looked her up and down and responded with a ok then go to your room and get some sleep you have school tomorrow Snow just nodded her head and used her speed to get up to her room as. She walked into her room she took her phone out of her pocket and put in onto her bed then want into her closet to grab clothes to change into but first she needed to take a shower to get all the blood cleaned off her her family was super rich like we are talking millionaire type of rich so in her room she had a big walk in closet and a shower her room was pretty big. But even though her family was super rich she didn't ask her parents for much she didn't want to be anything like some of those rich spoiled girls Snow want into the shower turned it on and grabbed her towel from her closet and put it on the counter and she left the clothes she was going to sleep in on her bed after she got out of the shower well she was still in a towel she took her toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed her teeth then after she want into her room and put her clothes on for bed but before she laid down she want back in to clean her face that her face would be clean. Then Snow laid down and want to bed the next morning  Snow woke up by her alarm going off she set up and turned it off then she heard a knock on her door who is it she said the person on the other side said it's me miss may I come in Snow know that voice yes come in then her maid walked in the maid was a vampire also she brought. Snow her breakfast on a silver tray and put it on the bed and said her is your breakfast miss a fresh set of your favorite pancakes and some green tea Snow thanked her maid for going through the trouble to make her favorite breakfast  the maid smiled and said it was no trouble at all and walked out leaving. Snow to her breakfast she ate it then after she put it on her table in her room and want to the bathroom to brush her teeth Snow liked brushing her teeth after her breakfast to not taste the toothpaste after she brushed them she want into her closet and started picking clothes to wear for school then she got dressed and want over to her mirror to do her hair she put it in a ponytail grabbed her phone and made her way downstairs saying hello to both of her parents and want out the door and to her car and off to pick her friend up even though her friend had a car of her own they had this ritual where they would drive to school together after she picked her up they drove to school.

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