cry, cry, cry

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3rd person pov

Signal and pulse had just overheard from professor otoi that they have to spar with Ayashi

"Why do we have to spar with Aya it doesn't make any sense to me and why does she need the both of us" Signal said annoyed

"Shut up your blabbing your head off I'm already annoyed enough when you're around" pulse said "will you guys get a move on already your both Taking too long" Ayashi said

She was stretching her arms ready for a fight "is she bipolar" signal said and sighed as they both got in front of her she smirked as signal gulped

3 hours later...

Signal came running inside the mansion feeling scared for his life as he regretted sparring with Ayashi she's freaking overpowered like crazy

Signal hid for a bit until he heard something coming from Ayashi's room it sounded like her voice she was singing

"🎶 always told me that I was too naive
Gave away my trust for pennies
I said don't you worry
Didn't think that I'll be
Broken down and crying help me
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
All you do is come around
Just came here to collect
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
Don't you know that I cried tears of gold for you?
I sit here poor for you
Collect my pennies and my dimes
That's why you love it when I cry
Platinum love for you
I'd give no less for you
Generosity is my enemy
So I'm broke and your heart's rich
Because of me
Know that this is my fault
Gave a little too much
Knew that this was gonna happen
But I'm not gonna lie
You can make me cry thousand times
I come on in back like
What is going on with my head?
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
All you do is come around
Just came here to collect
Wrecked? Check
Heart? In debt
Don't you know that I cried tears of gold for you?
I sit here poor for you
Collect my pennies and my dimes
That's why you love it when I cry
Platinum love for you
I'd give no less for you
Generosity is my enemy
So I'm broke and your heart's rich
Because of me
And the worst part is I'd do it all over again
No, the worst part is, I know it's never gonna end
I keep coming right back like a maniac
I keep coming right back like
And the worst part is I'd do it all over again
No, the worst part is, I know it's never gonna end
I keep coming right back like a maniac
I cried tears of gold for you
I sit here poor for you
Collect my pennies and my dimes
That's why you love it when I cry
Platinum love for you
I'd give no less for you
Generosity is my enemy
So I'm broke and your heart's rich
Because of me 🎶"

She seemed to be crying her eyes out "why can't I just calm down without having any break downs" she said hyperventilating

Signal decided to make himself known and knocked on her door "what do you want" she said "are you ok?" He asked she shook her head no

He walked over to sit on her bed next to her "do you want to talk about it?" he asked she looked at him and slightly nodded

"So what's wrong?" He asked "it's all the stress that's being put on me first I didn't even want to come here in the first place because I was forced too" she said

"Secondly I haven't been able to get any good nights rest and thirdly I'm worried my sister is going to do something stupid when I'm not around" she said

"You have a sister how old is she?" signal asked "a couple years younger than I am and I can't stop worrying about her because of her carefree attitude whenever I'm not around" she said tearing up

He gently brought her into a hug "hey its ok..." he said trying his best to try and comfort her since he wasn't really good at this

"Hey life isn't perfect we all have our problems and this is just one of the few times you have to face life's difficult changes" he said

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"Hey life isn't perfect we all have our problems and this is just one of the few times you have to face life's difficult changes" he said

This surprised Ayashi and she blushed and smiled a bit kissing him on the cheek his eyes widened in surprise feeling her lips on his cheek

This surprised Ayashi and she blushed and smiled a bit kissing him on the cheek his eyes widened in surprise feeling her lips on his cheek

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"Thanks signal you really cheered me up" she said signal touched his cheek blushing "ok now can I have some peace and quiet now" she said

He grabbed her cheeks "hm what are you...hmph" signal had stolen a kiss from her lips her eyes widened in surprise

She pushed him away "what the hell why did you kiss me you creep I don't even know what makes you think I'm ok with you kissing me" she said

"It's not the first time I kissed you but you didn't seem to mind then" signal said "what the hell are you talking about I don't remember ever kissing you" she said

"You don't remember meeting me 5 years ago" he said "I have no recollection of ever meeting you before" she said and pushed him out slamming the door shut

"She really doesn't remember me" he said and sighed 'guess I'll just have to get used to the fact that she'll never remember me' he thought to himself

Ayashi was back in her room "god what is that guy's problem..." she said and touched her lips thinking about the kiss

'Why did his lips taste so familiar on mine I don't have any memories of meeting him in the past' she thought to herself as she rubbed the back of her neck

Then her head started to pound in pain "agh no please not now" she said and held her head in pain it made her dizzy and she collapsed on the ground

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