Better NOT and Never cause : You not his types, and for him y'all ar so annoying ~ toxic and the worst bitches ever whos never respect him, listen him and protect him like i do.
JK - Yeah, MY ONLY ONE ar G-Power aka Bokun Margarita, whos not like you over me, whats you think i'm to you ?, a toy of bitchs, a salve, stripper, no way GO Fuck YOURSELF! bitchs i hates you types so much and better never loves me cause i hates you so better shut up fucker and leave me alone!
You see ?, you hear ?, Told YOU, now fuck you bittchs, better obey him when he say shut up to you or stop saying shit that he reply you ect ect...cause true ARMY knows he never do that!
JK - Yep, i never reply you bitches that its enter in your bitches mind, me i only do my lives and don't mind your shit bitches cause i cares nothing of you, and its not ARMY song i made about 'i need you, blah blah' like wtf its that bitchs song, you're not ARMY ofc its not from army more like a bitch gonna hate the most, a no life whos spend 24/24 her life annoy me like y'all over me, forrget that you never gonna be my types.
Yeah, and the worst MY You, he better edit that to MY IU for shut your bitchs mouth!
JK - Yeah, 'I need you blah blah" da fuck its that toxic fucker annoy bitch song, ofc i don't think army its like this.
Yep, ARMY don't need you, they only need to win theirs life insteed do this shit.
JK - I was knew they not ARMY, only bitchs i hates the most in my life, ofc i never gonna loves them and i never say love the worst biggest annoying bitchs toxic sasaeng like them.
JK - Aish.
Like she song, Fuck you very ~ very much, bands of bitchs whos never gonna be jungkook's types, ofc he only mine ~
JK - Yeah, you gonna see bands of bitchs and shut your bitchs mouth when Me, G-Power aka Margarita, MY family gonna Punch YOU Harsly and Kick your bitchs face for show you how i hates you and how Margarita ar better than your annoyance of BITCHS, whats happinesly G-Power ar not like you, over me, better not loves me, cause i hates y'all, bands of bitchs without life.
Yeah .^_^., that MY Man <3
(In big, you all ar so bads for loves him and the worst for him and you all gonna ruin his lifes and wastes his times)
Imaginez je suis dans l'école de Bangtan, je rentre en classe, je me présente et le prof me demande de m'assoir a cotés de Jungkook, Je le salut et il hoche ça téte 'pour me saluer aussi'
Dans ces pensée ' Elle est tellement belle, elle est totalement mon style, j'ai finalement trouver MY ONLY ONE ~'
Oh yeah ~
마가국 FF's
FanfictieHe never gonna love someone like Y/N whos the worst biggest annoying ~ toxic bitchs fucker ever (for sure, never irl)