Kuroko Gets Sick

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The sun was shining on a beautiful Saturday morning. Although everything seemed to be well in the Kuroko home there was one person who was feeling a bit under the weather. Kuroko Tetsuya woke up not feeling like himself. Somehow, he caught a cold out of the blue. Head bounding, and nose stuffed up, not even the Phantom Player could win this one.

"Ummm, I don't feel well at all. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Aomine-kun and I were supposed to get together today and play a one-on-one match. Guess I should tell him I can't make it." Kuroko slowly pulled out his cell phone and gave his friend a short text.

Sorry Aomine-kun, I can't make it.

At the basketball courts Aomine Daiki was waiting not so patiently for his friend. Holding his basketball by his side, leaning up against the metal wired fence with his eyes closed. He was just about to lose it when he felt his cell phone start to vibrate in his pocket.

"A text message?" Aomine took out his phone to see that it was from Kuroko. "It's Tetsu! I wonder where the idiot's at." He looked down at Kuroko's message, but when he saw it he just didn't get it.

"He can't make it!?!?" Aomine yelled, almost throwing his basketball across the court. "He's the one who set this match up and now he's flaking on me!" Aomine took a deep breath to calm himself down before he lost it even more. "Well, since I'm here might as well stay and shoot some hoops."

Aomine stayed for about an hour shooting hoops alone. But after a while Amoine suddenly didn't feel like it any more. He picked up his things he had brought with him and started to make his way home, but for some reason found himself standing outside of Kuroko's home.

"What am I doing here?" Aomine wondered as he looked up at Kuroko's bedroom window. Without thinking, Aomine pulled out his phone and called Kuroko's number. Listening carefully, he could hear Kuroko's ting tone going off. After hearing it ring and ring a few times with no answer, Aomine just gave up.

"Well, at least I know he's home. But why the hell didn't he say he wasn't going to able to make it to our match if he's still at home. If he changed his mind he should have said something yesterday at school instead of waiting for the last minute to say something. Whatever, he's not my problem." Aomine let out a heavy sigh while heading home this time. Only stopping once when he turned around to see if Kuroko would come after him to explain why he couldn't make it to their match. When he didn't Aomine kept on walking.

Kuroko spent the entire weekend wrapped up in his blankets sleeping soundly in his bed. This didn't feel normal for the basketball loving high school student. He wasn't the type of person to get sick in the first place. So laying around all weekend in bed was just plain boring.

Aomine tried several more times to get a hold of Kuroko, but still couldn't even get one text message from him since Saturday morning when Kuroko cancelled his match with Aomine. When Monday came around, Kuroko still wasn't felling 100% back to his normal self. Sleeping in until the school day was half over. He had to go to school, even if it was just for a little bit, he had to go to school.

"Kurokocchi, you don't look so good! What happened to you?! What's wrong?!" Kise Ryōta noticed how sickly Kuroko was looking.

"You're too loud Kise-kun. Please, don't talk so loud." Kuroko covered his ears with his hands to silence the pounding yelling echo that was now in his head.

"Ryōta's right. Tetsuya, you don't look well at all. As captain, I have to be sure that everyone on the team is at 100 percent. You're not even close to that." Akashi Seijūrō made his point of how important it was to have everyone at their best.

"I-I'm fine. Let's just get practice started." Kuroko stuttered as he tried to step onto the court to get practice stared.

At the same time Aomine stepped out of the locker room. Right away he could tell that there was something wrong with Kuroko. He was a lot paler then usual and he could when Kuroko walked that he was fighting to stay on his feet.

Kuroko Gets Sick ||Kuroko no Basket - AoKuro One-Shot|| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now