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At night is the only time Gerard can function, even if it is on 3 hours of sleep from the previous night, and he dubs that as a blessing and a curse. Due to this fact, Gerard is practically dead during the day, merely surviving off of coffee and Monster and Sour Patch Kids while he's out and about. Even when he's sitting home, not soaking up the much needed sunlight like he needs to - he rarely eats. He doesn't starve himself; he's never hungry and once he realizes that his stomach is in fact calling for his attention, he eats the easiest thing there is so he can get back to work, which is probably a bag of chips or leftover take out from a week ago that is dangerously close to smelling.

Not only is eating a problem he doesn't take too much interest in, but his social life has basically hit a dead end. At work, he doesn't converse with anyone unless it's about him, or if they ask him a question which needs a definite answer. Other than that, he's tucked away in his office, sketching, writing, researching, thinking, and he doesn't have time for casual conversation. His brother, Mikey, lives a couple of hours away, and though they meet up about maybe every 2 weeks, Gerard doesn't find himself thinking about him as much as he should, which worries him whenever it comes back to mind. Mikey understands that his brother's job consumes a considerable amount of time though and tells Gerard on numerous occassions that it is okay he doesn't call and text often. But Gerard sees that as him being a failure and it only brings down his already constantly low mood.

Ever since Gerard had moved out of his mother's house to attend College, the contact they'd maintained decreased dramatically. Even when Mikey moved out as well for College and was a bit closer to him, they rarely made a move to see each other. Mikey was a Secretary and that kept him busy almost as much as Gerard and even he put up more of an effort than his older brother to stay in co tact with him. Fuck, Gerard needed to pick up his slack.

The only good thing about him being nocturnal is that he gets shit done. Between the hours of 12 and 5 am is when he's wide awake, mind whirring and clinking as his hands move freely, almost as if they have a mind of their own. When he's working, he forgets that his dresser has collected enough dust to completely dirty a finger that swipes through it, or that the coffee stain on the carpet from a week ago is probably permanently set in now, or that he hadn't actually washed his clothes in almost 3 weeks - because he keeps wearing the same black t shirt underneath his jacket and whatever pair of pants he chooses off the floor. Luckily, he's not always outside running around, so they last longer than normal. He wakes up, puts on clothes, goes inside a building for 9 hours, and then comes back home. He doesn't even sweat and he does take a shower every other day, so he's good.

Gerard was currently scowling at the wall in front of him, one hand underneath his chin as he tried to remember what he had wanted to change in the plot of his comic earlier. It was important, and he told himself he wouldn't forget; changing this one thing would make everything better but now he couldn't even recall what it was that he wanted to change. Frustrated and refusing to give up on his endeavor, he grunted loudly and slapped his desk when he heard a loud noise outside his window. It sounded like someone was lifting up a shutter, and at 2 am in the morning, with that screeching interrupting his thinking, the noise pissed him off. There were other people asleep also and this dick was making noise.

Gerard also took this as a sign that he should just take a break and maybe sleep, so he shut off his desk lamp and then went over to his window to peek through his blinds, curious even though he was still slightly annoyed. There, standing in front of the back of an open Uhaul truck, was a man that looked to be around quite young, maybe younger than him - he couldn't really tell. The street lamp in front of his house was off for some reason and he was turned to face away from Gerard as he reached inside for a box.

So, this must be the new Renter.

The house had had a For Rent sign for about 3 months after a married couple moved out of it. They were expecting a child, and though the house had 2 bedrooms, they still left. Gerard hadn't been on speaking terms with them, but he could tell they were nice people. He didn't really care for neighbors or not but this man had already caught his interest, simply because he was moving into his new home at 2 in the fucking morning.

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