2: Ruts, Omegas and trouble.

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TW: Contains spanking

Hi! I hope you like it, please leave a comment, it always makes me really happy 💗

FYI: English isn't my first language, so there are probably mistakes in it, I'm sorry in advance.

-Channie, I'm scared.... Hyugie, can you come back here? They are growling at each other... I think they want to fight?
- Lixie, baby you need to calm down... can you do that for me? Distressed Omega will put them even more on edge.
Felix only whimpered.
- Go to your room and wait. I will be there in twenty minutes or so. Don't try to go between them or talk to them, just stay in bed and hug all your plushies for me, yeah? I'm serious, be careful.
- But Channie... What if they hurt each other, I need to...
- Lee Felix, your room, now.
- Yes, Alpha...
- Thank you.
The call endet abruptly. Chan was texting the group chat and ordering everyone back to the cuties dorm with one hand and closing the studio with the other, all this while moving as fast as he could. His babies, his meaknes were fighting, probably both in their first pre-rut and Felix, his sweet, vulnerable Omega was the only one with them. Fuck, this wasn't good at all. Felix sounded so scared on the phone, and still was planning to help and try to calm the baby alphas. The leader hoped, that the Omega listened to him and is safe in his room right now. Han and Felix weren't the most obedient omegas, some would say they were brats even and Chan was trying (and failing) to be more strict with them. Safety was of most importance to him, and everyone knew that. Minho was mostly responsible for the Omegas discipline, under Chan's orders of course. (It wasn't always like that, but angry alphas can send an omega into really submissive headspace, which isn't good during a punishment) The baby alphas on the other hand were about to get a scolding of their lives today from him and will definitely sleep on their stomachs when he was done with them. Fighting and growling wasn't tolerated, and hiding rut symptoms on top of that... He needed to make sure it will never happen again. As a leader and Pack Alpha it was his responsibility to keep everyone safe and he couldn't do that, if he was lied to.

Thankfully Bangchan met Minho and Changbin right outside the building. He asked Minho to take care of Lixie and Changbin to help him with the two maknaes.
Coming into the dorm, the three oldest directly noticed intense, sour smells full of distress and aggression. Seungmin and Jeongin were facing each other, their claws out and eyes stormy. Judging by the state of their clothes, some more physical fighting took place too and it definitely wasn't just puppy-like play-fighting.
- Hey! - Bangchan yelled, to call their attention. Immediately, three pairs of eyes landed on him. Wait... three? He didn't have any time to process this, because a second later, he had his arms full of Felix and the baby alphas jumped each other again. Thankfully this time, Minho and Changbin reacted immediately and held them down. Changbin nipped Seungmin's neck and Minho did the same with Jeongin. Both of them yelped, but deflected and calmed down. It was a forceful way to stop them, but it was effective.
At the same time, Chan checked Felix for injuries and didn't see any at a first glance. He hugged the Omega for a moment, knowing he needed that, but Felix was still in hot water with him, so codling wasn't an option now.
- You are in so much trouble, little omega. I can't believe you! When I tell you to do something, you do it, ESPECIALLY if it's about your safety!
- I'm sorry Channie...
- Minho will take care of you. Be good and listen to him.
- No! I want my alpha!
- Felix! You are staying in my room tonight, with Minho.
- Why with Minho? Why not with you?
- I have to stay here with Minnie and Innie, it's their first rut and they need me. Besides, they broke some rules too.
- They didn't mean it and I'm fine! Don't be a dick, Channie!
At that, Chan took Felix's ear between his fingers and pinched harshly.
- Don't talk to me like that, little one. Do you want two spankings instead of one?
- Oww! Hyung! No!
- Bokkie, let's go. - Minho said, deciding to put a stop to the arguing. Changbin, you will help Chan here, yes?
- Of course. By the way, Hyunjin just texted, he and Hannie are in the other dorm already.
- Hyunjinnie is there? Good, let's go, he will protect me, you are all so mean. - Felix said, his attitude gone for now.

Hyunjin in fact, didn't protect Felix. As an Alpha who grew up in a really traditional, practically royal pack, he believed that ignoring leader's orders was unacceptable and therefore scolded Felix throughoutly. To add salt to the wound, he prohibited Felix from his stash of snacks for a week as a punishment. Minho was sure the Omega  is going to sulk about it more then about the spanking he is about to get.
- Are you hungry, Yongbokkie? - The oldest Beta asked.
- No
- Do you want something to drink?
- No - the Omega answered sullenly. - Can I watch some TV with Jisungie? - he asked, puppy dog eyes on full display.
- Felix-ah, you know you can't. We are going to Channie's room now, have our talk and you will take a nice nap in your Alpha's bed. If you are good, you can watch some TV after that.
- I don't want any of that! I just wanted to help, why do I have to be punished for it?
- Because you didn't listen and you put yourself in real danger. Now, in you go. Good boy.
- Hyung, please I understand, you don't need to spank me for it, really. Channie hyung already yelled at me, Jinnie too...
- Do you really? Young alphas can't control themselves! They could have hurt you, they could've claimed you against your will, even kill you if their inner Alpha decided you are resisting too much! So yes, we are rightfully upset with you!
- But... they wouldn't do that! - The small boy protested.
- We don't know it, Felix! It's their first rut, they can't control it yet! So if someone tells you to be careful and hide, you do it, do I make myself clear?! - Minho yelled, frustrated with Felix's lack of understanding.
- Y-yes... I'm sorry hyung.
- Channie hyung will teach them, don't worry, okay? We won't let our pups get hurt, none of them. But you need to listen better and now you will get punished to remind you of that.
- Okay... But don't use the... the thing... Felix asked carefully.
Minho immediately knew he meant the paddle, that he bought a couple of months ago. It was more there to scare the pups from doing forbidden things, then to actually use it. Chan used the paddle on Changbin, when the younger disappeared for two days without telling anyone and Minho himself dished out a couple of smacks with it here and there, but none of the younger kids got a full spanking with it yet.
- Baby... I will, but not for the whole punishment, not this time. 
- But hyuuuuung, it hurts so much!
- Felix-ah. Lay over hyung's lap.
- I promise I will never do this again, it was scary.... -  the younger pleaded.
- I know pup. Do you want hyung to help you over my knees or do you want to do it yourself? - Lee Know prompted patiently.
- I will do it myself.... - Felix whispered, defeated.
- Good boy. Pants and boxers down.
- Hyung! Fine...
- Good boy. I will start now....
- If you must...oww! Minho hyung! Oww!  - Felix cried pitifully.
- Lixie, stop kicking - Minho warned.
- I'm trying! OW!
Minho knew he wasn't gentle, he was using more strength then he usually would, but the kid scared him to death. He was still careful of course.
After some minutes, Felix was silently crying over his lap and stopped kicking. It was a good moment to ask the question:
- Lix-ah, why are we here? - the oldest Beta asked, patting Felix's hair gently.
- Didn't listen....was in danger...hurt... - The Omega said between hiccups.
- Yes baby. Shhhh, we are almost done. Last ten will be with the paddle and then we are done.
Minho took the paddle and let it fall two times in a row. Felix cried harder and tried to wiggle around to avoid it, but there was no use.
- We are half way done Yongbokkie - the Beta said, after three more swats.  - Do you need a break?
- No, just stop Minho hyung pleeeeeese, I don't want anymore, please! - Felix started kicking and squirming again with new found energy and Minho wasn't having it.
- Settle down Bokkie - the older said, delivering other smack.
- Just another four, you are doing good... my brave boy, you will be fine...
The last smacks fell in quick succession and Felix started crying even more at the sharp pain. At first, Minho was just patting the smaller boy's hair and stroking his back to calm him. After a few minutes, the Beta gathered Felix in his arms and gave him a glass of water. Once the younger was done drinking, Lee Know washed his freckled face with a wet washcloth and got up, with the Omega still in his arms. Felix was half asleep though the entire aftercare. Minho tucked him into Chan's bed and giving him the last forehead kiss said:.
- We love you Yongbokkie, sleep well. Hyung will stay here with you.
Felix woke up a couple of hours later, noticeing he wasn't alone.
- Hi baby! - he heard Jisung's voice the second he opened his eyes. Minho hyung asked me to hug you better. We can have a sleepover!
- Sungie... But you won't yell at me, right?
- Of course not! I have our favourite snacks too, and we can do something fun together. As long as we stay in this dorm...
- Can we stay in bed? Hyung'a bed is the best!

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